Thursday, August 23, 2007

*snort* Huh, what?

And school's finally started. A new school year; a new era, if you like. Time to wake up from the dormant state of mind which tends to occur annually during the summer months. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Time to take a nice huge cup consisting of what has to be multiple shots of espresso and graciously salute the next semester - now as a sophomore. I know where to turn to if there's stuff I can't find. I know what to buy and where. And then there's the Network, of course. I'm not talking about Facebook or MySpace, though handy they may be. I'm talking about real live friends.

To summarize the above paragraph in a few words: I'm glad to be back.

I dunno, there just came a time where I felt like my parents were resembling Marie and Frank Barone a tad too much. (Mind you, the resemblance is striking 24/7, but after an exaggeratedly calm trip to a cabin in Hovden where there was extremely little to do you get more than spoonfed. It's fun, but only to a certain extent.)

And lo and behold, the fire alarm. Here's to first days of school! I wonder who burnt fish sticks this time... :-P

(Approx. 20 mins. later) Some heartfelt sympathy to the poor guy who caused it. :-( He came up to some people beside me and asked nervously: "Um, do you know the number of the janitor?" Must have been embarassing for him. Good thing it wasn't freezing cold this time (on the contrary); got him saved from some sour looks in his direction... Poor guy...

Anyway, I reckon that this year will pose a bit more of a challenge both for my friends as well as myself. Most of us have started taking units in our "minor" subjects, most of which are languages, i.e. Italian, Spanish and German grammar and syntax, perhaps also French grammar, though I'm not entirely sure. (And the crowd goes wild.) Oh yes, languages galore. However... *bursts out in song* We shall overcoooooome, we shall overcoooooome, we shall overcooooome soooooomedaaaaaaaaaay... (etc., etc.) No, really.

Oh, and here's a question I've been wondering about today (which is also posted on Facebook):
    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck (if a woodchuck could chuck wood)?

And based on a "tongue-twister" my Mom taught me:
    Can a canner can a can? (The obvious answer would probably be: "If the to-be-canned can is considerably smaller than the can used to can the to-be-canned can, then yes." Simple logic, unlike the previous question.)

I'm open to suggestions.

Waking up and smelling the coffee,