Sunday, December 13, 2009

Shakespeare, my beloved Shakespeare.

From one of my all-time favorite Shakespearian plays, Hamlet.

Kenneth Branagh in one of his best roles ever! The best Hamlet I've seen so far!

Signing off (frolicking Shakespeare style),

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

(Add catchy title here)

Busy, busy, busy. Virtually no time for blogging at all, or doing anything to willingly waste my energy on something not uni-related. It's still kind of like this at the moment, although the intensity of it all has decreased a little at the moment. Most likely due to the fact that I've handed in 2/3 of my essay outlines for the professors to read through and scrutinize as much as they wish. Well, technically I've already handed in all 3, but -- as the neurotic perfectionist that I am -- I figured I'd hand in one of them a second time. To make sure the professor knows perfectly what I intend to write about. I've also started gathering research for one of my papers, but there's one I simply can't find at all at the library. It's supposed to be there, but -- it doesn't seem to be there at all. Uh...? Note to self: Must seek out help tomorrow.

I also figured I'd take a day off to escape my books and essay-writing things for a while and see my cuz and my aunt (from out of town) who are here for a short visit. A short stop at a shop for my cousin to pick up some stuff for an upcoming wedding followed by a hearty sushi dinner at my favorite sushi restaurant and a stroll on Karl Johan was just nothing short of awesome. The Christmas market beside the City Hall downtown is also the perfect place to get into that festive mood. We all just took in the atmosphere of the place: the sights, the sounds, the smell of glühwein and gingerbread cookies... Aaah. Just perfect. The lights there were gorgeous as well. I thought I'd take the opportunity to take some photos of some of the sights to try to capture the mood there -- with various degrees of success. But it was very beautiful indeed. Sitting here, after having nibbled slightly on my German lebkuchen (German near-equivalent of gingerbread), I'm starting to be filled with the Christmas spirit that I so longed for. Seeing my cousin and my aunt again no doubt contributed to that as well. It's been too long since I've seen them.

My cousin and my aunt are two of those people who possess this element of self-irony, they don't take themselves seriously at all. They also have this kind of relationship where they bicker with each other in a tongue-and-cheek fashion. I admire that in them, odd as it may sound. I need more of this stuff in my life. And the raw laugh that always accompanies goofing around or any ironic/sarcastic comments hitting below the belt is nothing short of priceless. Besides, I felt I needed that laugh attack fix right now, too. It was great to see them again. I sincerely hope we'll be able to meet up again soon.

I'm kind of in a thoughtful mood right now, though nothing of interest really comes to mind. I just think back on the gorgeous Christmas lights at the back of the City Hall and the blissful and calm atmosphere of the place. This is just one of those moments where you look back on the day that's just passed and you smile to yourself, thinking "this day was nothing short of awesome". You sort of try to conserve that feeling of serenity and contentedness as much as possible throughout the last remnants of the day before you hit the sack and another day begins with its own set of expectations and challenges. I hope some of this feeling I have inside will be carried on through tomorrow and the rest of the days of this year. At least.

Right. Off to bed now. Even though Sir Noise-A-Lot strikes again. And it's not really the Arabic crossover kind I hear like the last time I wrote about it. It's got more of a beat to it this time. Yarr.

Must. Not. Taint. Christmasy. Feeling.

Ooh, and while I remember it: The strangest thing happened last night in the corridor outside my room. I'd gone off to bed after a fruitful day of studying and strangely enough I couldn't sleep. I was still awake at around 1:30am when I suddenly hear this noise resembling someone trying to lock himself/herself into my room, but not quite. Thank God it was locked. It sure as hell made my heart race a while afterwards, but when I looked through the peephole in my door some seconds after I'd heard the sound, I couldn't see anyone. So I checked the door again to make sure it was locked and went to bed again. The next day, as I was getting myself ready to leave for uni and later on to go downtown to meet said aunt and cousin, I suddenly noticed the tag with the number of my room had been removed from my door. Hence accounting for the strange sound I heard at half 1 in the morning. Humph. I found, however, that my tag had been stuck to another door across the corridor instead. The same thing had happened to the door of one of my other neighbors. Uh... And the point of this was...? Guess this just goes to show that everything gets funny and/or "just makes sense" at 1:30 in the morning.

Signing off (*zzz*),