Sunday, May 30, 2010

Well done, Germany!

Excellent song! Got me dancing around the room for ages! Still dancing in my head! It's about time they won!

Britain came in last? IS THAT EVEN HUMANLY POSSIBLE?! Apparently yes, when you do a Cliff Richard 80s remake of "We Don't Talk Anymore" with backup singers who sing slightly off key more than once, just enough to be annoying. *snorts, points and laughs disdainfully* Guess that's what you'll get when you get a below-par Waterman production. His songs used to be better.

Meanwhile, I'm impressed by how well-organized it all was. Great opening sequence, great English grammar (with a few glitches here and there, but nothing worth commenting on). Over all the contestants were great. Competition was tough this year; THANK GOD the Eurotrash stuff was almost wiped out! For some reason Greece still seems to cling to this whole testosterone-laden fusion/crossover concept. Face it, guys, it's getting OLD. In fact, it IS already old. Lay it off, it's annoying.

As for Norway, I knew from the start that we'd get a low score. Heck, I'd even go as far as to say we were asking for yet another zero. Us climbing up to 20th was really just a small comfort. Why do we always seem to go for cheesy sugar-coated ballads? Don't get me wrong, he's got a great voice; it's just that apart from a few welcomed deviations, we've always gone for ballads. How about something more up-tempo? A ditsy and dorky sound and cute lyrics like the German entry this year? Like say, in the style of Cheezy Keys a couple of years ago? Now that one I liked!

Meanwhile, it was interesting to see how so many countries had chosen a Rybak-related strategy this year, either by hiring Norwegian songwriters, musicians or even lead singers (Georgia, Cyprus and Romania, respectively). That and the all-too-predictable fiddler in the background. Strategic, but perhaps a little passé.

And the whole lung-power and/or vocal acrobatics hoedown given by more than one country was... well, needless to say an essential criteria to be included, although it in some cases was a little over the top.

However, kudos to Denmark, Romania, Cyprus, France (Bob Sinclar flashback!!!) and not to mention Germany for great contributions this year. Didrik did well, despite some glitches at the start of the song. Chill factor? Check. Bettered choreography? Check. Backup singers instead of violinists pretending to play? Check. (Much better!) Bettered diction? Check. (Though I still get somewhat unwanted images in my head whenever he sings "My love is never gone; I feel it rise again (hmm...). Through it all, now my heart (are you sure that's what you're referring to?) is yours". Somewhat unwanted images, not necessarily completely unwanted, yaknowumsayin'.)

Over all, I'm satisfied with this year. Awesome selection of songs and great organization. Special effects were more than impressive and - perhaps as a nod to Bobbysocks - a pink (red) carpet. Nice touch. Generally good British diction from the emcees who were funny at times without being fake (e.g. Erik Solbakken's gags, not to mention Atle Antonsen! I was laughing my head off when I saw him sitting there!). V. g. indeed. I'm impressed.

Let's see how Germany does it next year... Aaaand let's see if we can come up with something else than a ballad. (Mind you, I don't have anything against ballads, it's just that from a competitive p.o.v. they have never really done it for us in general. So there. Competitive side right at'cha.)

Anyway, knackered. Tired. Hitting books tomorrow for last day before getting to know topic for oral exam. Gah. I'm not ready for this yet. Give me 2-3 more days to get the topics straight before I get the topic... *drained*

Signing off (-.-),