Sunday, June 13, 2010


And so the student finally became a teacher. A strange experience, I have to say, but nonetheless quite satisfying; especially seeing as this had been my dream since more or less... err... I first heard my mom tell me stories about her own teaching experiences when she was one. It all really sounded so much fun -- a lot of hard work, mind you, but fun. I guess topping this off with low pay (at least as far as Norway is concerned) will give you even less of a reason to become a teacher. However, what influenced me at the end of the day was not only Mom, but also the teachers that I've had over the years since Elementary up to this day. Many of these people had this kind of twinkle in their eyes, this kind of glow while they taught us. They were really "in to" the subjects they were teaching and had this vigorous enthusiasm that rubbed off on all of us -- at least as far as yours truly is concerned. That and the willingness to listen to us pupils/students to better their classes and adapt their skills to better suit our own skills and personal characteristics. All of this is what I admire in these people. All of this has influenced my decisions in life. All of this fueled the fire, if you like.

My parents have also been a huge influence on me. They have always been influential and supportive of me in whatever decision I've had to make in life. Influential in the sense that I've always listened to them when they told me about their experiences in life and their advice based on that and their perception of me. This may perhaps sound a tad controversial to some, but for me this has been more of a positive influence rather than a means of "brainwashing" me into becoming what they want me to be. (There is a difference. :-)) Consequently my parents have also been supportive in the sense that they have let me evolve into my own person, if you will.

Um, I don't really know why I write this here, but I guess I just wanted to get this down on... err... pixels? Yeah, that works.

Signing off (@ work, for now),