The piéce de rèsistance (I know this was wrongly written. I'm not French either, so just cut me some slack, 'kay?!), namely perhaps the main work of Antoní Gaudí - a.k.a. La Sagrada Familia.

Really quite magnificent, this building is - and impressive. Info on his architectural influences, how he came about to actually construct it, etc. can be found within the church itself. You can also see the construction in action as well. Works of the mosaic so typical of Gaudí, constructions of pillars and other stuff as well. Really very fascinating to watch it. What's also fascinating is the fact that the whole building process of the church is competely dependent of donations from the public. This is of course why the process of building it is going so slowly. As I previously explained, the church will be completed in about 20 years. But I'll be back!
Peace out!
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