YAAAAAARGH!!! Can't help myself! Must blog!!!!
Yesterday was, as my oh-so-distinguished friend Ole so eloquently put it in his blog, "one of those days"...
Uhuh. Yeah. I hear ya!
Well, won't go in on the particulars (at least not too much), but I'd just handed in one of my infamous semestral Mandatory Assignments yesterday and got a call last night from a couple of my friends who had only started doing the assignment that evening. FYI, the assignment was due today before class... All I could hear were semi-nervous voices on the other end asking me something like: "Ummm, Elise... What did you write for this question? I don't get what he's asking!" After what seemed as half-an-hour of discussions over my cellphone (which consequently caused a slight headache on my part), I finally came to the conclusion that I didn't understand the question as well as I thought myself, and we finally concocted some sort of a strategy as to how to approach the question (in question). Of course, I'd handed in my assignment already through ClassFronter, so I was ever-so-slightly annoyed because I'd already handed it in. Thanks for discussing the questions with me at the very last minute, eh? Yaaar... *whimper, whimper* (For those of you who noticed my screen-name on msn, you may probably sense a certain connection to this.) So the stuff was corrected and I hoped - and prayed - for the best.
And the best happened. I know, I know, I was overreacting (*cough* drama queen *cough*), but I really do despise moments when you think you've gotten it all done, and when you suddenly realize you haven't after all. I always have a tendency of getting all panicky. Hate that.
Hah! Finally found the lyrics for the theme song from the Addams Family cartoon! Woohoo! :-D
And what do you know? Here it is:
They’re creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They’re all together ooky,
The Addams Family.
Their house is a museum.
When people come to see 'em
They really are a screa-um.
The Addams Family.
*snap, snap* Neat...
*snap, snap* Sweet...
*snap, snap* Petite...
So get a witch's shawl on.
A broomstick you can crawl on.
We're gonna pay a call on
The Addams Family.
*snap, snap*
Lurch: Oooooh...
Man, that brings back memories! :-D
Anyway, I'm wasting my time. Enough blogging already.
Peace out!
Lastly... My view on John Kerry has hereby been altered due to this striking resemblance. Kerry, say Oooooh... :-P

Wow! This i like...it makes me scared! It must be his dad or something!
I know! :-S Really freaky...
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