Wednesday, April 05, 2006


*Shakes head*

According to what I've heard from the news on the teletext of Tv2 and a student from Bryne (15 mins by train from where I live) was expelled after having been found out that he/she'd written something offensive about several of the teachers at Bryne Videregående Skole (i.e. Bryne Senior High School) in a blog specifically created for that particular reason. The worst part was that the student, who had created that blog and was writing stuff in it, pretended to be one of the teachers. The student is now expelled from school for 5 days.

Can you believe it? Is it even possible for students - and people in general - to show such a lack of respect for people who are there to mould their lives? Is it possible that people can be so immature?

Clearly it is. That's the sad part of it. I feel sorry for the teachers as well as the students involved. I say "students", because I believe there were more students who wrote in that blog. That one student has to be only the tip of the iceberg. Apparently the offended teachers have the choice of reporting to the police, so whether they'll do it or not, only time will tell.

I really don't know what more to say about this subject, besides that I really thought that Norwegian students could be more disciplined and actually think before they speak. What they've failed to understand is that teachers are humans as well - and can get hurt. For all we know, these teachers can suffer from psychological issues because of this. Their future teaching skills can deteriorate, and then what?

Ok, this was very negative, I know, but still... I really hope that the student in question will come to his/her senses - and that any accomplices will do the same. Also I hope that the teachers in question won't press charges. I hope they'll find it in their hearts to eventually forgive, though it may take some time.

*shakes head once again*

I may sound like an old retired bat, but I''m still going to say it: Is it just me, or do students nowadays lack discipline and respect? At least in ISS we learnt how to respect our teachers. Well, most of us, anyway. There was the odd example where a student slept with a teacher, consequently resulting in his voluntary resignation and her having her reputation further smeared. I'm not going to go into further details on this as there's really no use. But let's just say that ISS has had its bad days as well.

However, that's not my point (!!!). My point is that most of the students at that school are taught at an early age to respect their teachers and appreciate them for their position. Well, if they do not appreciate them, they hide it excellently.

Anyway, I'm not going to write more about this. I've proved just about enough of my opinion. Besides, I really do need to start writing some Spanish flashcards... Just to help me remember all the info for the oral exam in May. YES, it's still a while, but I've got time to do this before class, so why not? Don't have anything better to do. *nerd*

'Till next time!

Forever contemplating,


Karina said...

Heia =)
Leenge siden eg har hørt fra deg!!!
Kjekt å lesa sjøl om eg ikkje forsto alt då... Du vett... meg å engelsk liksom...

men men

Kom å se på mi sia og då!!!!

Karina =)

Karina said...

Kom på ein ting t =)
Grattulera me dagen =)=)


Elise said...

Hei hei!

Takk for gratulasjonane! I LIGE MÅDE, saie æg bara! :-D Grattis! :-D

Hehe, jære ingenting, d. Fatte ikkje hailt kæ æg skrive av å te, æg hellar. Forvirre mæg sjøl...


Karina said...

Hei ijenn =)

Eg rammla øve inger sin blogg ein gang eg kikkte litt på internett, va då eg såg at du hadde lagt ijenn en kommentar der.... Då konne eg jo bara trykka meg rett in her =)


Elise said...

Åja... sjølsakt... :-S (kor domme går dæ an å vær! *dunke håve sitt i veggen*)

Kule blogg du ao he! :-D Jilt å sjå billedene frå Astrid sin bursdag. Låjje å sjå hu å Oli å Liv Tone ijen... Å dæg ao, vettu! :-D Lol!

Kosa dæg viare!
