Tuesday, June 27, 2006

New post! Yey!


It's been ages since I've posted something on my blog. Yarr. Not good. Not good at all. You may ask "for what reason?", to which my reply will be "partly due to laziness and work." Contradictory, yes, but true.

Up until now I've been working for 2 weeks and 2 days (and counting) in the Sterilization Unit at the University Hospital of Stavanger; the same workplace as in the two previous summers. Fun? To some extent. Challenging? To some extent. Good pay? OH YEAH!!! *lol* I'll be working there the next 3 weeks (with this week included) and after that I'll be heading off to... wherever I'll be heading off to.

I can't wait to go back to school again and feel stressed out! Sounds weird, but as of now it's true. I think I've said this before, but this year was a completely non-stressing and dare I say very dull (at the end of it, that is), so I hope you guys understand why I'm acting so nerdy at the moment.

I really do like studying. I like working hard with papers and essays; learning something I'm really interested in and doing my best at it. I don't mind getting a good grade either, for that matter. ;-) However, sometimes I think my perfectionist self is getting a little too carried away and I end up spending time worrying about teeny trifles instead of the 'big picture', if you get my drift. That's my problem, you see; I have a tendency of being an over-perfectionist (is that even a word?). Let me correct that: I have a tendency of being too much of a perfectionist. There. That's better.

You see my point? Everything has to be just like that. And I won't take anything less. Annoying not only to others, but also myself. I dwell too much over sentence structure, the meaning of words and the meaning of the sentence as a whole. I want to make it seem impeccable to myself before I can turn any sort of work in to teachers. A virtue, perhaps - but too much of it can go to your head. I believe it does so with me sometimes.

Anyway, enough of that. Today is the 27th and I'm supposed to receive my grade transcript for Spanish. I was so excited today at work that hardly anything else filled my mind. Almost. I got home today and checked my mailbox, but NO! NO FRIGGIN' GRADE TRANSCRIPT THERE! Yaaaaar! And only 4 - that is, FOUR - days until I have to send in the rest of my grades, etc. to the uni that's processing my application. I just wanna get the friggin' grades, photocopy them, send them off and be done with it. Well, I still have time. But even though that's the case, I'd feel more at ease if I got the stuff promised me at the exact date. Meticulous? Neurotic? Me? Poor little innocent me? Never. *irony* I'll keep my fingers crossed that I'll get it tomorrow. But it's still annoying.

Speaking of tomorrow, I'm also quite anxious about my practical driving exam. I'll be having mine quite early, at 8:10am or something like that, which means I'll have to take the 7am train to Egersund and get rid of some nervousness before the whole shebang commences. I. Am. So. Scared. There's supposed to be this kind of safety control of the car before I actually get to drive, and I haven't actually been studying the pointers that much... Not implying at all that I don't know anything whatsoever about how to answer the potential questions I'll get from the examiner. Ugh.

I've gone through the whole thing occasionally throughout the year, so most of the stuff has been sticking to my temporal lobe for quite some time. The only thing I hope I won't be asked is about the headlights. We're supposed to know how to check if the so-called "main lights" have been installed correctly (have no clue at all how to check that! Do you just kinda turn on the long-distance headlight and shift it back and forth a while between that and the short-distance headlights? Do you dive under the hood and check there? I DON'T KNOW!!!). We're also supposed to show that the reflectors, etc. aren't dirty or broken. See, I can do that, but am I supposed to dive under the hood again and unscrew everything to get to the reflectors inside the protective glass just to clean it? Sounds absurd to me. I really, really hope I won't have to answer that part. Unless God thinks to himself that "hey, I haven't pulled a joke with Elise for ages. Hm, today's her driving practical. Perfect timing." *sigh* Indeed.

Me? Nervous? Gee, how can you tell?

No really, I am very, very nervous - as I tend to be for all kinds of tests. When I'm nervous, though, it tends to be a good sign. Now, however, I'm not sure. It's been ages since I've had a practical exam. Heck, I haven't really had a practical exam before. Theory I can do, but practice...? Time will tell, I guess. I'll keep my fingers crossed, pray and hope for the best. Chill out and hope for the best. Chill out and hope for the best. Chill out and hope for the best. My new mantra, FYI.

Always neurotic,

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