Saturday, March 10, 2007

Berserk on YouTube... :-S

Going a little bit retro today. I'm sure you remember these characters:

(Fireman Sam! In Norwegian!)

(This is in English... Couldn't find the Norwegian version of it. Still funky, though!)

(Portveien 2!!!)

(Heee... Smitt og Smule!)

(And then there's of course this one...)

(The Barne-TV intro of my childhood... A bit cheesy, perhaps; and the use of black background isn't exactly fun either, but hey, it's from the 80s!)

(La Linea!!! Notice the oh-so-Italian hand gestures when he falls into the water!)

(The show that made train rides and train stations more fun than before. For me at least. R.I.P., Sverre Holm!)

*Sigh* Memories...

Happy weekend!

* * * * *

EDIT: Aaand here's the Christmas intro for Barne-TV... Those were the days... *Sigh* (#2)


Kim said...

tikken! les bloggen min for mer info :-) love you

Elise said...

Aw, man, another one??? :-S *sigh* Alright, then. I'll try to do it properly this time! :-) Hope you STILL have a great time in Thailand! Miss you! God bless!


Unknown said...

Aaaw, I LOVE that Christmas-intro for Barne-TV..! *sighs happily* Getting flashbacks to winter mornings on my fleeze-comforter in front of the fireplace, and the smell of Christmas-cakes coming from the kitchen... =D

Elise said...

Sigh... I know what you mean...