Saturday, March 03, 2007


One of the best websites ever if searching for contemporary art! Stumbled over these gorgeous pictures just now:

Silence of the Storm by *angelreich

Structure of Simplicity by *angelreich

Am reminded of Jæren when I see these pics...

I miss the sea! I miss taking walks on the beach and taking pictures of the scenery; I miss having strong salty wind blowing in my face and hair; I miss hearing the seagulls shrieking; I miss seeing trees standing crooked because of all the wind, I miss that wave rock (at Ogna beach there is a huge boulder which has been carved into a wave-like shape by the ocean over presumably several thousands of years) where me and my best friend and her sister used to sit when we were younger and stare out towards the ocean and just talk. I MISS JÆREN, DOGGONIT!!!

Getting homesick,


Sminkedukkene said...

I'd so love to see that rock. I'll have to come and visit your place and see it :D

Elise said...

Sure, that would be great! You're more than welcome! :-D Just hope that rock isn't covered with sand, though. It was a while back, you see. Anyway.

Still homesick,

Monsoon said...

Hi dear!

Well, you'd love it here today then. I got totally "blown away" and thoroughly soaked after a mere 200 metre walk. Maybe I won't tease you then and tell you that on Sunday I was down at Ogna and had a beautiful walk on the gravel road beside the beach. Aaah, it smelled of sea weed and sea tangle, and also... sea.*lol*

I love Jæren! Gawd I am glad to be living here. Oslo was ok too, but nothing beats this.

I hope you are well, and not as stressed as I am about school. EXAMS! Yikes!

Love Eilen

Elise said...

(Gee, I wonder who wrote that deleted comment... Hmm...)

Hola, chica! Qué tal? Windy over there, innit? Ogna beach... man, I miss that place! And the smell of sea and seaweeds!!! You're making me jealous!

As for the stress level... Well... I'm getting sort of stressed at the moment. And since the oven and the ventilation system in the kitchen don't seem to work properly, in addition to the ceiling lamp in my bedroom being so deranged that it won't let me change the lightbulb, this just adds to my frustration. That and missing Jæren. And missing my parents. And missing someone else whom I won't elaborate/embroider on in this comment. And of course all my friends.

I want to go hoooome! *trembling lower lip*

Huggies (is this joke getting out of date now?),

Elise said...

Flat problems are fixed. Yey! I've never been so happy for a lightbulb in my entire life! :-D


Monsoon said...

By the way

It was me who had deleted that comment, as I hadn't checked my spellings. And you know what comes out of me and my bad spelling habits. Nothing good. Oeinao, need I say more?

And boy do I understand that you miss "somebody". I would too!!!

Telephone wires, cables and sausages (never gets old. tji hi)


Elise said...

The secret identity of the deleted comment mystery author has finally been revealed. Aaah, I see... So you found a spelling mistake? Meticulous Eilen... ;-) Anyway, hope you have a nice day! Take care!

Snapple, q-tips and water (thank God we've still got it! :-D),