Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I shouldn't really be here, but I am...

Huh? Self-discipline? Never heard of it. What's that?

In the midst of the vortex otherwise known as "vigorous essay-writing", I suddenly felt the urge to post something...

Title: All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die... (Sheryl Crow) a.k.a. Waiting for Sara's professor to arrive a.k.a. I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.

(Hope you guys don't mind me posting this...)

Oh, and good luck on your essays, people!

And gallantly she chickened out (Monty Python, fyi),

Ps.: Yes, I'm still homesick...

(Taken from the attic living room at home. Not the best pic of a sunset, neither is it the most spectacular sunset I've seen from this spot, but it still makes me homesick. Sigh.)


Unknown said...

AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! *screams out loud, before falling over in fits of laughter*
OMG!!! I had totally forgot about that model-session there.. =P ...we do look good though.. ;-D "Watch out, Miss Universe, you've got competition!!"

Elise said...

Yeah! XD Good, innit? Hope you don't mind me posting that pic...

Mona Grudt, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Tyra Banks and all you other stick insects out there, eat your heart out. *lol* ;-)

Unknown said...

I've got to admit, I got a bad shock when I got back to my laptop and your page had loaded, and the first thing I saw was my scrunched up face, but I also got a really good laugh.. ;-)
In other words, I don't mind.. *laughs*
By the way, you're really working your sex-appeal in that pic!!! =D *wink-wink*

Elise said...

Hehe, that's good! Well, that was the point with posting that pic there, actually. Just to maintain the randomness of the blog. Coherence is essential.

As for the sex appeal (man, we're on the topic of sex AGAIN!?)... when I'm in front of a camera... (o.O)

Oooo crap, that sounds so wrong!!!

The point is that I can't help but make a funny face. There.

Unknown said...

Oooh, I know what you "mean", darling........
*devilish grin*
Sowwy... I'll try to behave... *shining halo*

Karina said...

DU har blitt TIKKET!!! Se bloggen min for mer informasjon!! :-)

Sminkedukkene said...

*sob* I feel left out...:( *tear*

Elise said...

Eva: You? Shining halo? I'll be danged... :-P And as for you, young lady, let me put it this way, you don't exactly look your age on that pic either!

Karina: Hæ? o.O Kæ maine du? Hm... må sjekka blogg...

Ok. Hm, trurkje æg gidde å senna den viare, men kan gått skriva åm 6 ting så folk ikkje vett åm mæg, då. (På bokmål. Går fortest da.):

1) Jeg har kun skulket én gang i hele mitt liv. (Englebarn by nature... ;-D)
2) Jeg har nå fått en forkjærlighet for rosiner. (Kanskje dere vet det fra før av?)
3) Jeg har barbert hodet én gang. (Ufrivillig, vel å merke.)
4) Hver gang jeg besøker tanten min og hennes familie sier jeg alltid samme ord på samme måte.
5) Jeg liker å stå og høre på gatemusikantene på Karl Johan med en kaffe i hånden.
6) Jeg har store planer om å bli rik og eie et giganthus med et gedigent bibliotek og et rom fylt med pianoer (av flygeler: En svart, en hvit, en gjennomsiktig, en hvit med svarte kuflekker (!); av klaver: En av mørk tre, en med sprelskne farger og en vinrød. Alle disse i tillegg til keyboardet og el-pianoet jeg har nå).

So there. :-P

Ole: And when we're all rich and famous we'll sue you for leaking this story to the press. :-P

Elise said...

Sara: Awww!!! *heartfelt hug* Well, you took the picture, though, so technically you're there... I'll tell you what, once we get more time in our hands we can squeeze ourselves into one of those photo boxes/booths/thingys and take as many pics as we want! And then I'll post those as well! :-D Feeling better now?

Sminkedukkene said...

Is it a bird!? Is it a UFO!? Is it a spaceship!???

No! It's a plane with Sara on her way to Ålesund...? Anyway...boy is it painful to get up this early.

And yes of course that helps. :p

Unknown said...

Oh, Sara, honey, I'm sure we can have another photo-session, with raisins and hot-tubs and all that neat stuff one you take your superman-lookalike back to Oslo.. ;-)

If I ever get rich and famous, I sure as Hell won't be living in Hollywood!!! =S *tosses holy-water on the Hollywood-sign, and tries to stab some actresses with a wooden spike - to no good, as they're protected with layers upon layers of silicon and botox*

Elise, are you saying I look less than mature in that pic?? *brightly shining halo* You know, that's what all soon-to-be-26 year olds look like! Just you wait, you'll end up with that dorky look you as well.. *lol*

Elise said...

Sara: Bon voyage! I hope you have a blast! :-D (Of course you will! After all, it's YOU I'm talking about!)

Eva: Yey! A photo session with raisins and hot-tubs! :-D Let's! *getting a head start on buying packs of raisins*

*lol* No, well, perhaps Hollywood wouldn't be as good a place to live. Where plastic is most definitely fantastic and where bigger is better... Nah, a small town would be better. Or even a suburb, for that matter. But heck, I don't want to become famous! Too much stress! But when you get famous, Eva, you'll give me special privileges, right? ;-)

And yes, I mean that you look less than mature on that pic. But then again, so do I, so I shouldn't really elaborate on that... Me dorky when almost 26? I can't wait! ;-) And if everyone else of my acquaintance turns dorky when 26, we're gonna be some strange group in the end! How fun would that be?! :-D

Unknown said...

Hey, I never said I wanted to become famous!! =P Rich, sure, or have 'financial freedom' or be 'economically comfortable', that would be swell!! =D
But... If I ever do get rich or famous or anything that comes with possible priviliges, of course I'll share some with friends.. ;-)

Yey for dorky-ness!! =D

Elise said...

No, hang on there, my friend, you explicitly said "rich AND famous": "If I ever get rich and famous, I sure as Hell won't be living in Hollywood!!!" See? :-P

And why shouldn't you get famous?! I can just picture you now with your own Oprah-like talkshow with the extremely catchy name: "EVA". (But if you do get your own talkshow, PLEASE DON'T have a screaming audience who claps at everything you say or do! I'm referring to... whatserface... "Rachael Rae". The crowd annoys the heck out of me! And SHE screams too!!! So don't you go screaming too, young lady!)

And on behalf of all our common acquaintances who (hopefully) will reap benefits from your sudden celebrity status: Thank you for sharing with us! *checking off "buy an English manor house" and "buy 10 pianos" on to-do list*

Elise said...

Oh, and another vital point:

Dorks rule.

Unknown said...

Oh, but it still doesn't say "I want to become rich and famous"..!!!
It just seams like some people believe it's obligatory to clump together in "we're soooo famous" neighbourhoods if more than your immediate circle of friends and family know who you are.. *yuck*

AND, if I somehow got tricked into having my own talkshow, it would not be called "EVA".. *shivers* And no screaming audinence either! =S Anyone screaming would be shot! With a tranquiliser dart! So they'd get in a groooovy mood.. ;-D No, my show would be called.... *thinking* ... "Worlds Beyond"... or something like that... And for guests I'd have the Yeti.. and Nessie.. and maybe a Norwegian barn-gnome or something.. =D Yepp, sounds like my kind of show! Maybe they'd start arguing about having cross-species affairs or something!
And we would discuss whether or not Bush is from outer space, or if he's actually a prototyp on a hybrid between a sheep and a machine, and I'd keep everyone up to date on the latest conspiracy-theories, and then we'd finish the show with a session of aura-cleansing or doing some mantra... *wide grin* =D
Sounds good, yeah??

Elise said...

Humph. Awright, then. Whatever you say. Thought I had you there, but apparently I didn't... Shute! ;-)

Hm, interesting talkshow concept. I like! :-D (Thank God there aren't any screaming audiences in it!) Hm, "Worlds Beyond", eh? Nice name. :-) Oh! Oh! Oh! And another concept: Make every guest dance the funky chicken dance! :-D Or perhaps try to impersonate that "Herbal Essences" cow...?

But aura-cleansing and Bush-dissing sounds good too... And that Bush hybrid between a sheep and a machine is an interesting theory. Hm. Got me thinking there... :-P

Unknown said...

Feel free to come with ideas for the show.. =D
I rather liked the "funky chicken" idea.. *wide grin* As for the Herbal Essences cow... I think I might have become sick and hurled all over my tranqulized audience if I would have to listen to anyone impersonating that cow... =P Or.. hmm.. might be an interesting experience, actually, if the Yeti or a Mars-man did it... *brain spinning off*

Elise said...

Hm, maybe the Herbal Essences cow wasn't such a good idea after all... :-S No, you'd get that nasty song stuck in your head all day long. And that's not good. The funky chicken song is better, though.

But then again you do have a point with the alien and yeti doing the Herbal Essences cow's song. That would be fun! Oh, and how about a Ricki Lake theme on one of those shows, with topics such as "My best friend stole my yeti husband" or "Stop the world/universe! My alien stepmother has gotten pregnant with a garden gnome!" And of course with the occasional Jerry Springer-ish fight. Just with those "Star Wars" swords (whatever they're called) and pineapples. Don't ask me why I suggested pineapples, 'cause I don't know...

Elise said...

NOTE: The use of pineapples is not to be taken as a reference to Hawaiians. I am not a racist.

Unknown said...

Oh, oh, oh!! Light-sabres!! Yey!! Could have a universal display of the coolest weapons.. =D Display light-sables, ufo's, mind-reader tools and so on.. Hehe..
And the "My best friend stole my yeti husband" and "Stop the world/universe! My alien stepmother has gotten pregnant with a garden gnome!" themes are genious! ;-D

Elise said...

Hehe! If you ever need any help with figuring out topics for your talkshow (when/if you do get your own talkshow) let me know! I am more than happy to assist! ;-)