Saturday, April 14, 2007

*sniffle, sniffle*

What to write? I don't HAVE anything to write!!! I need a hug. (Shrek flashback: "I can't feel my toes! I DON'T HAVE ANY TOES!!! I think I need a hug.") Besides the fact that I'm at home in Oslo trying intently to shake off a nasty cold and the helium-like sensation inside my head while at the same time trying to cough up the last remains of the all-too-present hairballs in my throat (*catching breath*), I'm studying for my exams. Oh, what a gripping life I do lead. *sarcasm* But seriously, five weeks is hardly anything. Before you know it you'll be sitting in the exam room trying to calm yourself down before the 4-hour intense scribbling starts. A scary thought, but still.

I am ambitious. Which accounts for my extreme nerdiness (for some). For some reason I never really admitted it to myself until recently. It's amazing how admitting something to yourself can change your outlook on things. Not drastically, mind you, but at least considerably. Not only with respect to your hopes and dreams - or yourself, for that matter - but also with respect to other people you surround yourself with. This is already an established fact, but it's amazing to think about the vent it creates when you tell yourself such things. You get a better chance to relieve yourself of so much more ("excess") emotion that you are finally capable to think more calmly and collectedly. I find this fascinating.

The means of which you can release these emotions are also interesting. Blogging, for instance. I view my blog as some sort of vent. Like right now, I'm feeling somewhat anxious about exams, etc., but at this point I feel calmer than when I started writing this entry. It's almost as you tell yourself subconsciously: "There. Enough with the fretting already. Back to business." It basically gives you a chance to put it all behind you and continue concentrating on the things you should be concentrating on.

Yes, I am stating the obvious. However, this is something that's kind of interesting to me. Anyway. Enough already. Back to business.

I wish it were that simple to get an A... ;-) Happy exam prep!
*giggle, giggle, cough, cough*


Monsoon said...

Sweety darling (Ab Fab...)

I am so sorry you have a cold. As it is Tuesday today I do hope you're feeling better. And I am sure you are.

It's a good thing to be ambitious, it is. But it hurts like h... when one is, and then gets a plain average C on ones exam. Yes, Like I did just now. *excuse me, I'm puking* Felt like crying I did.

SOBBING and feeling so sorry for myself!

I don't think you are a geek either, so I agree with Ole on that one. You are yourself. Labels and categories suck if you ask me. We humans are waaay to complex and fabulous to be put in a box. You are a very smart conscientious and brilliantly humorous girl, whom I appreciate a lot! So there.

Well, I wish you the best of luck on your study and exams.

Hugs - Oeinao

Anonymous said...

Heehee! XD And that voice on... err... wotserface... :-S That blonde lady. Slipped my mind all of a sudden...

And yes I am indeed feeling better. The cold in itself is gone, but lo and behold - pollen. :-S Just in the nick of time, eh? So even though I don't really have a cold any longer, I still have a semi-clogged nose - when I go outside, that is. So I took matters into my own hands today and actually bought the nasal spray and the eye drops plus allergy pills to save myself from any more fuss with this. Anyway. Pointless information. I didn't have to go into such details.

AAAARGH! Got the news! :-( I KNOW THE FEELING!!! Cor, it's as if you feel like banging your head against a wall umpteen times and scream out of the window!!! That's the bad part of being too ambitious, I'd say.

But you are a smart woman! I just know that you will get the job you aim for! C'mon, it's practically made for you! And what is ONE C compared to the rest of the excellent grades you've gotten? Yes, I know it's annoying as heck, but ultimately you passed - which is the most important thing.

And thanks for not considering me a geek! :-D However, I'm inclined to think that it is a part of the human psyche to categorize objects, flora, fauna and each other. I think it is just something that all humans possess; this need to categorize. I mean just look at the way we categorize plants and animals! If that doesn't show a need to label, I don't know what will! I think the same goes for humans, in a sense. Man (as in "mankind") has tried to put itself in a box, e.g. by labelling according to "races" and stereotypes. Psychological as well as physical disorders can perhaps also be used as a label. I think we just do it to make the world around us easier to fathom. So in a sense categorizing is useful, but with respect to stereotypes it's most definitely wrong. As you said, "we humans are waaay to complex and fabulous to be put in a box".

Aaand good luck on your studies and your final exams too!!! :-D

Yoghurt, memory stick and slippers,

Unknown said...

...hmm... Why not categorize yourself as being "complex"..? =) *shrugs*

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I guess I could. But then you wouldn't get the chance to play with stereotypes as much... Even though it is wrong to do so, I have to admit it's still kinda fun! ;-)