Thursday, June 21, 2007

"Home, home on the range, where the deer and the antelope play..."

Well, not exactly, but you get my drift.

Finally all of my exams are done and I'm home working my arse off at the hospital. That's why I haven't been able to update for a while. Demasiado trabajo... After what, 3 years wherein I've worked every summer at the hospital, I (finally?) begin to get the need to expand my horizons; i.e. I want to try something else next summer.

Mind you, working at the hospital is great fun (despite the heaps of gossip, backstabbing and grapevine tendencies), but each time I've arrived at the sterilization unit to work they've introduced a new system. The latest one is by far the greatest and does not only apply to this hospital, but to the whole Norwegian network of hospitals. Everything has become all computerized now, with bar codes and labels that have to be put on. Gone are the days wherein you could just pack whatever that came from the washing machines by the operating rooms without knowing their names (I'm referring to the smaller packs for individual instruments that are separated from the actual larger sets of operating instruments). Uh-uh. Now you actually have to know what each of the thingumajigs are called - which, to an ignorant summer employee, can be rather daunting, especially when the stress level is at a high point. ("Should I ask what this thingy is called, or should I just leave it where I'd found it?" "Will they bite my head off if I ask?" "Should I do this or that?") And obviously the stress rubs off on the rest of us, because we really do want to help, but we aren't exactly capable of dissembling, reinstalling and creating the more complicated sets of instruments. We can only do so much. We do try to lighten their burdens at least a little bit, but unfortunately all we can do with regard to those complicated sets of instruments is to pack them. (I'm thinking about an incident which happened two days ago during my late shift. I won't elaborate.)

Anyway, that's basically where I am at the moment. Kind of frustrated with the new system (especially during last week, which was my very first for this summer), but still hanging in there.

Oh, and yes, grades are in. That is, all except for ONE - which is also a source of frustration for me these days. But seriously, if the exam paper states that the grades are to be published 2-3 weeks after the exam, it would be an idea to actually stick to the friggin' deadline!!! The exam I'm referring to took place on May 25th, i.e. it's already passed the deadline of 3 weeks. Can you believe it? I certainly hope our teacher hasn't left for her summer vacation without correcting our exams!!!

Anyway, besides these sources of ever-so-slight irritation I'm happy to be home. I must admit it felt kinda weird to see my home town again. I had the same feeling as when me and my parents see "our" old house in Lyngdal. Like this was my home, but now it... sort of... isn't. The difference is of course that my parent's house is still my home. This chronically manure-infested area is in fact my home and will be so in saecula saeculorum ("forever and ever"); more so than Lyngdal. Despite the sometimes aggravating small-town mentality this windy little coastal patch will always be where I'll find my roots.

*getting all sentimental* Enough now... ;-)

Happy vibes to the world,


Karina said...

Hei du!!

Kom på ein ting, ka du egentli har planar om å bli?? Viss du vett det då!! E jo ikkje akkurat så lett egentli.. Sjøl har eg vertfall ikkje peiling ;)P

Elise said...

He planlagt å varta engelsk-/spansklærar. Helste begge dele... ;-) Men æg æ egentle åben for alt. Kjæme an på kæ så æ dær ude itte æg æ færige mæ uddannelsen. Men trur nok at dæ ennå æ et behov for flærne lærara itte æg he uddanna mæg.

Nei, forstår dæg gått; dæ ækje lett å finna ud kæ en ska styra mæ i framtiå... Men trur nok at du komme te å få en goe sjans te å få jobb itte du æ færige mæ akvakultur! :-) Mad/fisk ska nå folk ha uansitt!