Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pointless information.

Did you know that the cardboard pack of fluorescent tubes you can get at the SiO reception smells like cheese doodles?

Long story. Or rather, semi-long. Actually rather short.

Oh, and Nadia Hasnaoui and her kids (I reckon they were both hers) visited Kim Hagen yesterday. How I know? I'm an undercover paparazzi, that's why. An undercover paparazzi who happened to walk past Nadia + kids earlier today to pick up said cheese-doodle-smelling pack with fluorescent tube.

If you have nothing to write, write random nonsense, eh? ;-)

Peace out!


Sminkedukkene said...

The what nows?

Elise said...

The "cheese doodles"-smelling fluorescent tube cardboard packs.

Sminkedukkene said...

Yeah, I read that part from the post, but I still have no idea what you're talking about. :P

Elise said...

Just sheer nonsense, really. Nothing of consequence. I was having a randomness attack at that time, I guess. I'd just bought a fluorescent tube which was covered with cardboard that smelled like cheese doodles. To me that was kind of like an epiphany. I didn't think that cardboard could ever smell like cheese doodles. I'd expect it to smell like what cardboard usually smells like, i.e. cardboard (!). Maybe the one SiO got it from had just eaten cheese doodles and sort of transferred it onto the pack. Or maybe the SiO staff member who received said fluorescent tubes had just eaten cheese doodles HIM-/HERSELF and thus transferred the smell on the packs. Hm. Mysterious. Pointless.

I should start on my Am.Lit. essay now.

Hope this cleared out at least a little! ;-)

Unknown said... you normally sniff everything you buy?? Closet-addict? =P

Anonymous said...

Actually, my dear friend, I don't. But I just happened to smell my hand after I'd brought the thing to my flat and I could sense the ever-gentle whiff of cheese doodles. Then I smelt on the pack to be sure that the perplexingly cheesy scent was indeed originating from said source. That's the story, morning glory. Nothing more than that. :-P

And FYI, I'm a closet-closet-lover. (Yes, the hyphens are all wrong, I know. And no, actually I'm not a closet-closet-lover, but it was a fun play on words.) ;-)

Sminkedukkene said...

How was everything at home deary? Still up for sushi on Sunday?

Anonymous said...

Dangit, I forgot! I'll try to make it, but I'm not sure as to how my weekend's going to be. I'll be having an exam next Fri, you see, so might not be able to make it... :-( I'll see what I can do, though! Stay tuned!

Oh, and home was fine. Actually quite nice weather a couple of days when I was there. Couldn't say the same for when I headed back to Oslo, though... How was Gothenburg, btw? Reckon you had heaps of fun as well?