Saturday, January 26, 2008

To think that... nooo... can it really be?

Yes indeed.

Man, this was... gobsmackingly weird, yet fun(ny) to see the source of Pikachu's voice.

Meanwhile, I discovered that the meaning of Eva's life was popcorn. Who'd have thought, eh? ;-)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

2007? What about it?

(Ok, just for your information I stumbled over this idea in a blog by one of my friends, and I found it such a nice way to shake off the old and look towards the new. So I copied. Hope this ain't subject to copyright... List may be truncated and subject to change.)

  • Gained lots of new friends, all of them dear to my heart and hopefully with long-lasting friendships.
  • Gained contact with family members I hadn't seen for ages
  • Searched for old relatives (and the search continues)
  • Maintained my values
  • Tested my emotional strength (and got stronger!)
  • Lost a grandfather
  • Got a closer relationship with my family in Oslo
  • Traveled (albeit in the same country...)
  • Was meticulous
  • Endured hardships
  • Encountered a slut-looking drug-addict looking for needles for syringes at Stavanger University Hospital (...)
  • Got some tactless remarks thrown in my direction
  • Threw some tactless remarks in other people's direction (tsk, tsk, tsk...)
  • Was addicted to Facebook
  • Failed to write in my diary about things that mattered and didn't matter
  • Earned good grades
  • Busted my butt in studying
  • Took yoga classes
  • Ate good food (sushi and dim sum, anyone?)
  • Laughed (should have laughed more)
  • Cried (with accompanying good reasons)
  • Read good books
  • Received good books (again, thank you soooo much, Eilen!!!)
  • Got closure
  • Found out who were true friends
  • Became dependent on and close to God
  • Trusted myself more
  • Became irate
  • Smiled a lot (not the same as laughing)
  • Improved my English and Spanish (still got a long long way to go, especially as far as Spanish is concerned)
  • Became slightly less harmonious
  • Spent time with my parents
  • Played with my cousin
  • Spoke Spangwegian (...)
  • Made reachable goals for myself
  • Made UNreachable goals for myself (somewhat more here than in the former...)
  • Met people I looked up to
  • Brought home my keyboard so as to get an outlet for my ivory-tickling cravings
  • Missed home (a little)
  • Discovered new music
  • Felt free, happy, depressed, lonely, lucky, embarrassed (a lot! *lol* But heck, as one of my friends say: "Make a fool out of yourself; it's good for you!"), frustrated, tense, content, calm, lazy, self-centered (hence this blog), haughty, humble, down-to-earth, mad, silly, ignorant and RANDOM!

In short, not so bad. In hindsight, I find that there were a few things I should have done instead which I didn't do - but that's the beauty of new years; you get another chance to start afresh and improve.

On this philosophical note, me voy para comer y estudiar más.

Peace out,