Tuesday, January 22, 2008

2007? What about it?

(Ok, just for your information I stumbled over this idea in a blog by one of my friends, and I found it such a nice way to shake off the old and look towards the new. So I copied. Hope this ain't subject to copyright... List may be truncated and subject to change.)

  • Gained lots of new friends, all of them dear to my heart and hopefully with long-lasting friendships.
  • Gained contact with family members I hadn't seen for ages
  • Searched for old relatives (and the search continues)
  • Maintained my values
  • Tested my emotional strength (and got stronger!)
  • Lost a grandfather
  • Got a closer relationship with my family in Oslo
  • Traveled (albeit in the same country...)
  • Was meticulous
  • Endured hardships
  • Encountered a slut-looking drug-addict looking for needles for syringes at Stavanger University Hospital (...)
  • Got some tactless remarks thrown in my direction
  • Threw some tactless remarks in other people's direction (tsk, tsk, tsk...)
  • Was addicted to Facebook
  • Failed to write in my diary about things that mattered and didn't matter
  • Earned good grades
  • Busted my butt in studying
  • Took yoga classes
  • Ate good food (sushi and dim sum, anyone?)
  • Laughed (should have laughed more)
  • Cried (with accompanying good reasons)
  • Read good books
  • Received good books (again, thank you soooo much, Eilen!!!)
  • Got closure
  • Found out who were true friends
  • Became dependent on and close to God
  • Trusted myself more
  • Became irate
  • Smiled a lot (not the same as laughing)
  • Improved my English and Spanish (still got a long long way to go, especially as far as Spanish is concerned)
  • Became slightly less harmonious
  • Spent time with my parents
  • Played with my cousin
  • Spoke Spangwegian (...)
  • Made reachable goals for myself
  • Made UNreachable goals for myself (somewhat more here than in the former...)
  • Met people I looked up to
  • Brought home my keyboard so as to get an outlet for my ivory-tickling cravings
  • Missed home (a little)
  • Discovered new music
  • Felt free, happy, depressed, lonely, lucky, embarrassed (a lot! *lol* But heck, as one of my friends say: "Make a fool out of yourself; it's good for you!"), frustrated, tense, content, calm, lazy, self-centered (hence this blog), haughty, humble, down-to-earth, mad, silly, ignorant and RANDOM!

In short, not so bad. In hindsight, I find that there were a few things I should have done instead which I didn't do - but that's the beauty of new years; you get another chance to start afresh and improve.

On this philosophical note, me voy para comer y estudiar más.

Peace out,


Sminkedukkene said...

A very good list indeed, though I'm sure there's a few things you could have lived without. :D

Elise said...

Yeah, there are, but on the whole, it's not that bad. It could have been worse. :-)

Monsoon said...

I enjoyed this so much Elise! A really good list. It inspired me somehow. To do better? You always have that impact on me, and I absolutely LOVE that about you. You are indeed a fantastic person, who only deserves the best in life. I am glad you liked the books. It was a chance to take...

Bless you

EV :-)

Elise said...

Because I'm worth it! *flicks hair to one side, L'Oréal style* ;-)

No, but seriously, thanks!

I hope you don't mind me stealing your idea, but I read that post of yours and it was such a great idea to put the past behind me. So I thought I'd do that myself. Put the past behind me and start anew.

And yes, I loooooooved the books! I don't have them with me here, but seriously, I'm going to keep them forever! (Besides, I can't imagine why anyone would even consider selling those early editions of those books in the first place... Even if they didn't care to read them. Seriously, I'd definitely keep them!)

Happy vibes!