Thursday, February 14, 2008

"Hallo? Frederikke?"

A couple of weeks ago after me and my friends had attended class, we were approached by two media students (I think) who asked us a series of questions about Frederikke Kafé. This is the long-anticipated outcome of it (featuring us, among others):

Man, was that fun! XD We really had a laugh doing this, and the guys who asked us told us later that they were so amazed that we were actually willing to take it to those lengths! If this won't give Frederikke any more street cred, I don't know what will!

So, how many minutes of fame do we have left now...? *counting on fingers*

Happy Valentine's Day to all!


(Ps.: Notice the all-too-discrete alliteration at the end...)


Anonymous said...
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Elise said...
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Anonymous said...

I've made the most hilarious lj post, but it's friends locked for reasons that will become clear when you see it. Could you make an account just so that you can read my friends locked posts?

Elise said...

Friends locked post? I'm in, but where is it? Can't find it...

I feel left out. :*(

Sminkedukkene said...

I've added you back no, so you should be able to see it now.

Monsoon said...

Hihi, that was way cool! Looking good miss St****. So Fredrikke is having a midlife crisis poor thing. I've never met/seen/been to Fredikke, but she sure sounds nice. *lol* You are "Almost famous" now Elise.


Elise said...

Hehe, thanks, Monsoon! Well, she isn't really the main attraction of the uni, but she's definitely a "knutepunkt" as one of my other friends stated. Despite her shopping at BikBok to display her youthful side hidden under that wrinkly exterior. *taking this waaaay further than necessary*

And yes, the road to fame is getting shorter and shorter by every minute, innit? There's not much I need now besides a loaded boyfriend to manipulate and blackmail. *diabolical laugh* Let me know if you find a potential candidate, yeah? ;-)


Unknown said...

*laughs* Brilliant!
Men, har Fredrikke blitt pusset opp?? Hmm..