Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wide Open Spaces...

And suddenly we were back in Oslo after a long-ish Easter break. Sure wish it lasted just a little bit longer, as I only have this one class this week. Still, it was good to come home again. To think that it snowed too! Man, was I surprised to wake up one morning just to find that there was about 15cm layer of PERFECT snow on the ground (not too dry and not too wet, just RIGHT). Coupled with blue sky and absolutely no wind at all, the weather was awesome! Jæren really is a beautiful place, either it's rainy, snowy, sunny, windy, whatever... While taking a walk outside with Mom and Dad I had this tingling feeling inside as it reminded me of when I was a kid. All I wanted to do right there and then was just to plunge myself into a snowy field and make an angel in it (had it not been that I also wanted to leave the scenery untouched).

Beautiful. Absolutely unspeakably and indescribably beautiful. I'll post some pics on Facebook once I get some more time in my hands.

Mind you, it's good to be back here in Oslo as well, but it was so nice seeing my parents and my friends again that I wanted to stay just another week more... Hehe, guess I'm feeling a little homesick at the moment... Ah well, sea lo que sea, I'll be plunging myself into another scene in due time anyway; that is, mandatory assignments and reading.

Just to inform those who may have noticed a slightly cold front from my part these past few weeks, I apologize, but I would appreciate some space for the next couple of days. It's nothing serious, I just need some space, that's all. Hope you understand.

Hehe, and on this cheerful note (!) I thus end my blog post.


P.s.: Or well, it's not quite over yet; check out these funky vids:

Pray, what are they saying? Here's a dubbed translation:


'K, now I'm done. :-P


Sminkedukkene said...

Right, I was going to ask you about that, but you were kind of in a hurry so I thought you just wanted some alone time.

Don't worry I understand how you feel, and I'm not hurt or insulted, but if there's something you'd like to talk about you know I'm here.

Elise said...

Thanks for understanding. :-) And another thanks for the offer, I'll keep that in mind.

Elisabeth said...

Good moaning! Those cats were so cute I actually cried a little. Seriously.

Elise said...

Hahaha! Dude! Long time, no hear/see/write!!! You still blogging?

Elisabeth said...

Dude! I know, right?

Blog was put to sleep a while ago. Much more fun to randomly comment on other people's not-so-inane ramblings. OK, so mine just got boring.

Seriously those must be like the cutest cats ever. Solid proof that animals do indeed speak to each other!

Anyway dude, sorry I'm not much of a correspondent. You can smack me in response to the email I'm about to send you! It's been a long time coming but at least I warned you a while ago that I was no good at keeping in touch, yes? Behold the can-do-better sign around my neck.

We should totally meet up next time you're in the neighbourhood.