Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Muppets go classic and Spanish nonsensical blabber.

The most heart-wrenching rendition of "La Habanera" I've ever come across.

Heart-wrenchingly funny, that is!!! XD *points and laughs Nelson style ("the Simpsons")*

As is this:

And this one is just pure genius! Bet the cast had a blast when recording this!

Who needs Helmut Lotti when we've got PPP (Pitch-Perfect Poultry)?

Beautiful. If I do say so myself.

(Bork, bork, bork, even.)

Uy, hay alguien que está al lado de mi habitación y está tocando su tambor... :-S Pues, ¡mejor que la música techno del año pasado cuando quería dormirme por la noche, por mi parte! (Tengo que deciros que no había esa música tantas veces, tampoco ahora, pero cuando podía oírla...)

Anyway, I won't complain about this. There are so many other things that are more worthy of complaint than just this simple dude hitting his drum. Besides, he stopped already, so there we go. His hand probably hurt from all that vigorous hitting. Which reminds me, I'm going to see if I can find any patterns to embroider this weekend. I suddenly felt the urge of embroidering... Bordear... Or perhaps start up knitting again. Perhaps advance to something more than just a mere scarf... I dunno. We'll see what will become of this idea.

Signing off (bork, bork, bork),

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I don't know why I suddenly remembered these vids. I just did. So I added them. Here. On my blog.

(Yes, I know I've posted this vid before. Still exceedingli funni though.)


Signing off (somewhat lethargically),

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Jeje, una buena manera de empezar esa entrada. A mi me gusta esa palabra. No sé por qué, pero por una razón extraña u otra me cae bien. Y no tiene ninguna enlace ni de mi personalidad ni de la de alguien otro.

Y si hubiera tenido una conección con otra persona, no iría a decíroslo. Luego os dejo especulando... ;-)

Ya. Entonces empezamos otra vez. He llegado a Oslo después de un verano con poco tiempo para descansarme, pero estoy contenta de lo que he logrado en ese tiempo. He hablado muchísimo español y me siento que he mejorado mucho en expresarme y usar el idioma. Por ahora. Es que solamente he tenido dos de tres clases y no sé cómo saldrá la última. (Hm, un poquito al lado del tema que estoy escribiendo ahora (!yo quiero multitasking!), debo escribir más en español, pienso; es una buena manera de practicar y mantener mi español - y también puedo hacerlo por otras razones, por supuesto. Seguimos.) Esa clase pienso que será la más difícil ya que se trata de un curso preliminario para introducir la cima de la montaña enorme también conocida como la literatura de la lengua española. Uf. No sé cómo va a salir... Me han dicho que voy a sobrevivir (o "sobrevivirá" - no estoy segura de su nivel de ser convencidos de eso...), pero no voy a estar segura antes de que haya tenido mi primera clase. Que empieza mañana. Bah. No voy a quejarme más sobre eso. No lo vale.

Anyway. I've realized that for some reason or another I don't seem to have any classes with any of my friends. *tear* What with two Spanish classes and only one in English, chances were rather minute this time of being in one of their groups, I guess. I just hope I'll be able to spend time with them - at least a little bit - outside class. I'm thinking... su-... yeah, took the word right out of my mouth. Or maybe... dim s-... there you go again. What's the point in writing this down? I'm as predictable as our former Brit. Civ. prof. doing the basic salsa steps by the blackboards in the auditorium when he's nervous. Without the graceful hips. I.e. as if watching an ironing board doing the same thing. ("AWW".)

It's strange to watch the little quirks teachers have. Some dance. Others laugh fascinatingly strangely. Still others start twiddling their little piece of chalk and put that still-twiddling hand to their face so they end up drawing a white streak across their chin. Some do all of the above at the same time. I'm not mentioning any names here. I wonder what my quirk will be. I'm sure I'll end up with one quirk or another - I know myself as much. Come to think of it I'll probably end up with having a certain set of buzzwords that I'll say all the time. And if I'm lucky I'll probably even elaborate by myself in front of my students in an endless monolog about some incomprehensible theme in which the students are not interested at all - and which is not part of the curriculum either.

There we go. Ms. S. Doña S., even. Otherwise known as "the Buzzer". (õ.O)

Guess this might lay the foundation to something a little "patosa" after all. As Enya once sang: "Who knows? Only time..." Doesn't get any clearer than that!

Anyway, anywhere, anywhat, anywho,
Procrastination has led me to
Wherein I'll keep
A lookout for creepy-crawlies, goblins and worms,
And all other things that contain germs. (Well, they DO, OK?!)
So "good luck", "break a leg" and to all a "goodnight"
Bla-di-bla, I should stop, crash on bed and sleep tight.

So I will.

Signing off (creatively),