Friday, November 21, 2008

Exam theme song? Whatthe... huh?

Long time, no blog. Let's just say I've been really quite busy these past few weeks. I started with my exam reviewing in the beginning of this month and feel rather good about that, as my first exams will be on Dec. 4. Uy. So, where's my confidence at? My reply in this case would be "no comment". A great big part of me just wants to get this over and done with.

Meanwhile, a small tradition of my unconsciousness has been to find a theme song for the days before and during the exams. Yes, it's a rather peculiar tradition of mine, which I really wasn't aware of until a few days ago, as so far I tend to get a song stuck in my head for no apparent reason throughout this time. It just pops up in a few weeks before exams. And it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with them or have anything related to overcoming an obstacle. My first semester here in Oslo I had a S&G song in my head, "Feelin' Groovy". Now this one has at least a connection with destressing, at the very least. Then there was... what was the song for my second semester, again? I kinda appear to have forgotten. I think it was a tie between A-Ha's "You are the One", Bananarama's "Nathan Jones" and Ylvis's "Reven på hønsejakt" or something. Now, I don't remember much of my 3rd or 4th semesters, but according to my YouTube list, I must have listened to Billy Joel's "River of Dreams" or something of the likes in my 3rd semester and Elvis and Céline Dion's "If I Can Dream" (still love it!), George Harrison's "Here Comes the Sun" (do-do-do-do) and a Josh Groban drum solo in my 4th. What's strange, however, is that I still haven't managed to find my song(s) for this semester. Wuzzupwiddat?

So far I've been going all Ralph Wiggum and John Lennon ("Ah-no-le-reeshee-gad-blee-bloochigoo", cf.; and the song in this clip didn't really appeal to me either). So yeah, I'm still searching for that one song. Or those songs.

Well, there's always Rob Thomas's "Little Wonders"... Or maybe not. But then there's Switchfoot's "Dare You to Move", which is also a very nice one... Maybe so. Josh Groban's "Caruso" or "Hymne a l'amour"? Europe's "The Final Countdown" (*whimper*)? Queen's "The Show Must Go On" (õ.O)? Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights"? Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel's "Don't Give Up"? Yeah, I listened to that last one earlier today whilst doing yoga and I think that would be a potential candidate. Or maybe the Thrills' "Big Sur"? Potential choice as well. It'll come to me in due time, I reckon.

The Thrills' "Big Sur":

Kate Bush & Peter Gabriel's "Don't Give Up":

Not that this is the thing which should worry me the most. Of course.

Right. Off to Bedfordshire. Big day tomorrow.

Signing off,

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pray for him! || ¡Rogad por él!

I feel as if it's my duty to give you the URL to this moving blog:

His condition is heartwrenching and I ask for all the faithful reading this blog to pray for him that he may continue his life and become a living witness to the goodness and benevolence of the Lord. Please, keep him in mind during your daily (or otherwise regular) prayers as his condition is worsening. Additionally, in accordance with his wishes, please also pray for those who are suffering from similar pains and those who are doing much worse than himself. If it is possible for you to offer masses for him, please do so. He needs as many prayers as possible!

May God deliver him from his sufferings and grant him life.


* * * *

Siento que es mi obligación que os doy el enlace a ese blog tan conmovedor:

Su condición es desgarradora y os pido a los fieles que leen ese blog que rueguéis para que pueda seguir viviendo y convertirse en un testigo vivo a la bondad y benevolencia del Señor. Por favor, tenedlo en cuenta durante vuestra oración diaria (o por otra manera regular) ya que su condición está peorándose. Además, según sus deseos, por favor, orad también a ellos que están sufriendo de enfermedades parecidas y ellos que tienen situaciones más graves que él mismo. Si es posible para vosotros a dedicar misas para él, por favor, hacedlo. ¡Necesita la mayor cantidad de oraciones posible!

Que Dios le libere de sus sufrimientos y le conceda la vida.


Thursday, November 06, 2008


Un homenaje pequeño al presidente electo reciente de EEUU. ¡Nadie ha dicho que su nombre era fácil de articular! ¡¡¡Felicidades!!! Espero que no hayas mordido más que puedes masticar... (No sé si se puede decir esto en español - ¡corrígeme! Tengo ganas de comprar un libro de dichos y expresiones fijas en español, pero todavía no he tenido tiempo para hacerlo. Estoy pensando en comprar el de Espasa, ¿alguien sabe si ese es recomendable, o si hay otro mejor? ¡Estoy abierta por sugerencias!) Pues, el tiempo lo dirá, ¿no? Vamos a ver si se puede verdaderamente.

En otras noticias, los exámenes se acercan y estoy intentando a estudiar. Pero ahora NO TENGO GANAS PARA HACERLO. Entonces estoy escuchando música mientras exploro la red en vez de esto. Tal vez haré el yoga esa noche también - es decir, cuando mi cena ya se ha asentado. Ya verémos.

Bueno. Ahora no tengo mucho para escribir. Pocas noticias y esas son aburridísimas, entonces no voy a molestaros más con esas bagatelas. Entonces será mejor no escribir más por ahora.

¡Hasta el blog próximo!


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Brainwashed or just easy to pronounce?

I'm going for the last alternative. That and because his family may have mentioned Obama's name a lot in the house. He's cute, though. I remember CNN showed this vid some 6 weeks back and I tried to find it on the net ever since. Now, as I'm taking a short break from SFG ("Systemic Functional Grammar, or rather "Sane Friendly Giant") I suddenly stumbled upon it. Yay. *tired and content*

Anyway, looking forward to seeing the results of the election. Although right now it seems that Obama's in the lead, it's only just barely. The official count on Tuesday's gonna be a real thriller.

Seeing and hearing Obama speak, I can't help but thinking how proud Martin Luther King, jr. would have been had he still been alive. It doesn't really matter if he becomes president or not, I think he'd still be proud to see that he reached as far as he reached.

Be that as it may, this election has to be one of the most thrilling and the most revolutionary election in the history of the US. May the best candidate win. Buena suerte a ambos!

Signing off,