Monday, December 01, 2008


More... time... please... Lord...

2 study groups today. Hispan. Lit. Need to know when the authors/poets lived. Literary eras.

Systemic Functional Grammar. Need to get definitions sorted. Know how to analyze, describe problems in analysis. Beneficiary? Receiver? Target? Scope? Range? Difference between these, please???

I need more energy. I need more time. 2 days (plus the rest of this evening) before the double Judgment Day.

I'm tired yet slightly panicky (well, not exactly panicky, but neurotic nonetheless; I always am, but this time a little more than usual). A slightly unfortunate combo.

Ayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay. Ayúdame, por favoooooor.

Time is ticking out. And I'm not sure if I like it. I'll like the aftermath of this double Judgment Day, but for now I need to make sure I know it all to be able to survive it and not run away screaming like a maniac. Or, alternatively, crying like a baby. Either reaction is NOT good. In fact both are negative inscribed appraisal, i.e. bad. Uy.

Enough whining already. Pucker up.

Signing off (whimpering),

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