Sunday, January 25, 2009


... From Eva:

* * * * * *

Put your mp3-player on shuffle and fill out the gaps.. NO CHEATING!! :D

1. How does the world see me? - "F.B.I." by the Shadows. (*lol* My secret undercover job has been identified. Busted. Darn.)

2. Will I have a happy life? - "Back in Black" by L8R. (I take that as a... yes...? With attitude and a bad Norwenglish accent (the Norwenglish accent is pretty bad in itself)? Although it being a cover of the original, my life will perhaps be filled with synths and lousy keyboard effects? Hm. I need to think this one over a little more...)

3. What do my friends really think of me? - "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard. (Um... Beneath that sweet and goodie-two-shoes exterior there's either a steaming hot mama or a groupie wannabe? Yeah. That has to be it. *rofl*)

4. Do people secretly lust after me? - "Cry to Me" by Solomon Burke. (Perhaps not... They may just seek me for consolation and a shoulder to cry on.)

5. How can I make myself happy? - "I Got My Mind Set on You" by George Harrison. (*raw laughter* Get myself a boyfriend? Find the One? Act desperate? Bribe? (cf. "But it's gonna take money, a whole lot of precious money, it's gonna take plenty of money, to do it right, child..."))

6. What should I do with my life? - "Civilization (Bongo, Bongo, Bongo)" by the Andrews Sisters and Danny Kaye. (There we go, leave civilization and a budding teaching career and lead my life primitively in the jungle!!!)

7. Will I ever have children? - "Bring Back That Leroy Brown" by Queen. (Come again? õ.O)

8. What is some good advice for me? - "My Generation" by the Who. (*giggle* Stay young? Be more in touch with contemporary impulses?)

9. How will I be remembered? - "Wind of Change" by Scorpions. (Yup, I'll have left my mark and heralded a new era!)

10. What is my signature dancing song? - "Ave Maria" by Josh Groban. (Hardly!!! Not really a dancing song per se. Furthermore, I do not know how to dance, so maybe there's a link to that in the song choice.)

11. What do I think my current theme song is? - "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by the Proclaimers. (THIS COULDN'T BE ANY TRUER THAN THAT!!!)

12. What does everyone else think my current theme song is? - "Life Itself" by Bruce Springsteen. (Don't know if there are that many of my peers who know about this song. A little too boring for me to be a theme song - unless I'm in a very very melancholy mood, which I'm not at the moment.)

13. What song will play at my funeral? - "Spinning Wheels" by Blood, Sweat and Tears. (Hm, I guess that kinda taps into the philosophic side of mine as well as my inclination for listening to groovy oldies, but other than that... nah.)

14. What type of men/women do you like? - "Build Me Up, Buttercup" by Busted and McFly. (Emotional, yet edgy; contemporary, yet not exactly loathing the past either; direct and... mooshy. *aww* Yeah, sure, that could do. And let's not forget the uniform, eh?)

15. What is my day going to be like? - "Just a Girl" by No Doubt. (Oh yes. Lots of attitude, yet in tune with my feminine side. Very "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion". Kewl.)

16. Will be my wedding song? - "Power to All Our Friends" by Cliff Richard. (Very hippie-esque and with a firm beat, but not exactly the song I want Dad to lead me down the aisle by...)

17. Will be the last words coming from my mouth? - "Walking on Thin Ice" by Yoko Ono. (Ok...?)

18. Will be the first thing I say to my unknown love to come? - "Un Giorno per Noi" by Josh Groban. (*awww* Although I hope it won't be a starcrossed love as it was in the case of Romeo and Juliet...)

19. Will be the song I sing to my lover on our first date? - "Ave Maria" by N. N. (This is the instrumental version, so if worst comes to worst, I'll at least hum it. However, unless he's a firm Catholic or a die-hard fan of classical music, he might just think I'm weird.)

20. Will be the song my lover sing to me? - "Together Forever" by Rick Astley. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is going to be interesting!!!)

21. How will my life end? - "Homeward Bound" by Simon & Garfunkel. (How fitting is that?! Comin' home to my Lord!)

22. Will I be reborn? - "So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright" by Simon & Garfunkel. (Huh? Either reborn as a guy or as an architect? Or both? I need to think through this one...)

23. Will be my heartbroken song? - "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" by the Beatles. (Oh yeah! The perfect pick-up song! "Life goes on, RAH! La-la-la-la-life goes on!")

* * * * * *

Not quite bad this one!

Signing off ("Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, life goes on, RAH! La-la-la-la-life goes on!"),

Monday, January 19, 2009

Why didn't I think of this before?

A new era, a new domain. Big words are my passion. If this doesn't prove it enough, I don't know what will.

Meanwhile, major workout day today (*accomplished*), balanced out with studying (not as much as I had hoped for, but still). Also tried Chinese miso soup bought in SVG Asian shop. Tasted good (especially with dried seaweed and (soft...) tofu); had teeny tiny mushrooms in it (nothing special, to be honest); expiry date was good... so yeah. What a gripping life I do lead. *lol*

Will finally lunch with Spanish friend tomorrow (from whom I inherited new flat/room). Can't wait to see her, although we're only talking about 2 hrs tops. :-S Oh well.

*listening to the Solids' "Hey Beautiful" and crooning along*

Yeah, I should hit the sack, shouldn't I?

Signing off, (heading off to Bedfordshire (i.e. NOT procrastinating)),


Friday, January 16, 2009


After having emigrated (to another flat/room - just down the hall) I feel I can take things a little easier now. Furthermore, my discontent of having accidentally DELETED that endlessly long POST has receded; I've bought most of the course material for the semester (these courses are ridiculous in terms of the number of lectures!); and I've managed to settle in somewhat. Well, I still need to get fully accustomed to this novel territory of mine (cf. new flat/room), but so far so good.

So, what I was aiming to write here before "the Great Delete" (ARGH), was that Christmas was basically more or less same ol' same ol'. Just a nice quiet celebration with heaps of good food that I need to sweat off these next couple of months - and maintain that pace. Besides, Christmas this year had for me an aura of relief. I guess I still had last Christmas in my mind and was so thankful that Mom was physically here this time.

New Year's Eve was also quite nice. Not as quiet this time as in other years, since my cousin (who's now fully established in SVG) paid us a visit. Needless to say, we had an awesome time.

Resolutions? I'm not a really great fan of New Year's resolutions, although after all that food I sense the need to actually make some either way. The most important one being working out - and sticking to it. But in summing up, what's there to say about last year, then?

In summing up 2008, I have...
  • Laughed more than I've cried (I think I only cried once this year; with no other apparent reason than the mere acting like a stress reliever)
  • Gained friends
  • Recovered acquaintances
  • Been really bad at keeping in touch with people abroad (my fault - I try, but ultimately I suck at this)
  • Worked hard
  • Earned pretty good grades
  • Missed doing yoga
  • Been melancholic
  • Been neurotic (oh yes...)
  • Traveled
  • Stressed out (there's no way out of this one)
  • Taken responsibility for own actions
  • Breathed (you usually don't realize this, but breathing is not only one of the most essential things you do as a human being (!), but also is one of the quickest ways of functioning as a stress reliever... In my case, that and crying! *lol*)
  • Argued against people
  • Been proven wrong
  • Been proven right
  • Eaten good food
  • Worked out (note to self: Continue doing this!)
  • Gone to church
  • Traveled
  • Practiced Spanish (should do a little more of this this year)
  • Drunk Spanish hot chocolate (once you've tried it, there's no way back!)
  • Gotten hooked on ginger candies (*swoon*)
  • Been consulted on various matters
  • Been in need of consultation on various matters
  • Been weak
  • Been strong
  • Used circumlocutions too much (often leading in others looking at me bewilderedly, muttering the occasional "Huh?" and/or them thinking that "she could have said it so much easier!" Who needs Occam's razor, eh?)
  • Stated my opinion
  • Wondered
  • Learnt
  • Taught (not exceedingly much, but still)
  • Given
  • Taken
  • Been too honest at times
  • Been vain (sadly)
  • Concentrated on more things than needed
  • Multitasked (with varying degrees of success *lol*)
  • Had quiet moments with God
  • Meditated
  • Felt at one with everything
  • Wanted to keep a pet in my flat (oh well, I'll just have to save that 'till later)
  • Felt annoyed (Little Drummer Boy, anyone?)
  • Felt frustrated
  • Felt happy
  • Felt energetic
  • Felt relieved
  • Felt content
  • Felt utterly shallow and "Kinder egg"-like (you have to compensate for the deep part of your personality, don't you?)
  • Given me time to myself
  • Visited people
  • Participated in heated discussions about various topics
  • Started and completed projects
  • Enjoyed the silence when the snow fell outside
  • Enjoyed a good book (actually many good books)
  • Expanded my vocabulary (especially in Spanish)
  • Seized the opportunity
  • Cut my hair
  • Lived

Ok. So generally speaking, this is roughly what the year turned out to be. Pretty good compared to last year, I have to say. An excellent year's progress. All the best for 2009 to all!

Starting off the new year, here's a gem of a vid:

And in addition, another vid (which cannot be embedded... *tear*):

Signing off,


Sunday, January 11, 2009


I'd just posted a loooooooooooooooong entry and OF COURSE, in my sheer STUPIDITY, I LOST IT.

Words cannot express the annoyance I feel right now.

I'll just have to let it cool down and write everything AGAIN.

Some other time. Bah.

Signing off (irately),