Saturday, September 12, 2009

Nobody told me there'd be days like these.

In case you didn't know, this is part of the chorus in the all-too-famous John Lennon song "Nobody Told Me". It couldn't be more fitting right now, considering the fact that I've got a cold. Again. Ugh. I'd just barely gotten rid of the first wave (hardly even that, seeing as it's still coming out at the moment) when suddenly, after having laughed my head off last evening/night with a couple of friends, I noticed I got a little sumthin'-sumthin' in my throat. In other words, a hairball. Uy. I went to bed last night with the voice of a gecko and woke up today only to find it was still there. Topped off with my head spinning slightly. Again, uy. So, as in so many times before, I've now stocked up with grapes, a banana, 3 apples, soup for dinner, tea, infusions, lemon juice, honey and peppermint essential oil to gargle with (if worst comes to worst) and to just clear the air of my flat.

And then there's the left-over chocs from last night for the more extreme cases of self-pity. ;-)

"Nobody told me there'd be days like these..."

To keep myself preoccupied, then, the professors have been so kind and generous as to overload us with reading material and a presentation next week. Or well, technically we're talking about two. Yarr.

There is so friggin' much to do this year you have no idea. But then again I just might have been spoiled with only having three 2hr classes last semester and sort of waltzing through it. I might have gotten too used to having more time than enough to read up on the texts and take notes. Now, however, eh. Not so much. Or rather, not as much.

Again, "nobody told me there'd be days like these..."

So yeah, anyway, I went to my second Catholic mass on campus last Wednesday. "Why only second?" you may ask so cleverly. Because of classes always colliding with this mass. They still do. However, a friend/classmate of mine invited me to join in on mass + lunch considering the usual Wed. lecture was canceled, so I did. A few people there, actually, although we were only 7 people. Of which were one priest and myself as the only girl there. Hm. A potentially socially awkward situation, but actually it was quite nice. I felt like I fit in instantly. Needless to say it was all small talk, but for me it was nice to actually get to know some Catholics there; and practicing Catholics at that. And no, no potential bf's there. It was all strictly platonic. I'm not exactly looking for one at the moment either. Don't expect me to elaborate further on that.

"Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Strange days indeed
Strange days indeed..."

Signing off,


momiji said...

I was sick too most of September. I had a great choice between a cold and a flu, running nose and sore throat and cough and fever. I took it all. And, of course, as always, it is when you are feeling crappy that you have lots of things to do, kind of things you cannot postpone! Happens to me every time! Makes me think sadly about those times when I was a kid and would stay in bed, reading and resting while grandma would bring me a cup of hot tea or milk.
Oh well, I hope you're already better and wish you lots of luck and courage.

Elise said...

*sigh* I miss those times, too... When you were a kid and could just stay at home feeling sorry about yourself and read and watch TV all day. Then again, you'd eventually get so fed up with being sick and doing next to nothing you'd do anything to have some more activity in your life.

Hope you're doing better now, as I am myself. I hear you know exactly what I'm saying when I talk about a huge workload and not feeling good. And what a lovely array of choices you had there! As if one of these wasn't enough to make you feel miserable! Then again, guess it's nice to just get it all over with in one go. Better than having one of them linger on for ages, as was my case. It's moved on now, though, probably to torment some other poor sorry human being now. (Cynical? Me? Not at all... :-P) It took me at least 2 weeks to shake off this nasty business. Ugh.

Anyway, hope all's good with you and more power to ya! Ooh, and love that recipe on your blog, btw! Looks divine! Might try that out myself one day! Take care!

momiji said...

tell how it worked out if you did it.
yes, thank you, I'm very well now, but it did take me about two weeks, as you, to get back into shape!
Thank you for your good wishes!
P.S. Oh, by the way, here's my facebook page if you're there and if you ever interested:
Wish you all the best!

Elise said...

Thanks for the link to your fb page! I've already added you! :-D Sure, I'll let you know how my take on that recipe works out. Actually I've got Granny Smith apples in my fridge that I haven't had the chance to eat yet, so yeah, perfect timing for that recipe! Thanks! Have a great week next week!