Sunday, September 12, 2010

The missing link (pun intended)

Just finished watching "The Linda McCartney Story" (again). I must say it's quite amazing, really, to see two people who have such an incredible connection. I mean, you don't need a movie to establish the fact that Paul and Linda had one incredible relationship and such an immensely beautiful love for one another (and for their children, for that matter), but watching interviews and movies of this sort kinda makes it all the more... well, alive, in a sense. I mean, they were indeed soul mates and best friends; the latter especially being the case after the Beatles broke up and Paul was at rock bottom. They were so similar in so many ways: idealists, passionate animal rights activists, vegetarians (obv.), artists in their own right and I bet great parents to their kids as well. Theirs is a relationship I truly admire. Obviously besides that of my parents, which is the epitome of all successful and tightly-knit marriages of my knowledge (of course I'm biased).

I love watching people and sensing such a connection between them. A platonic connection is one thing, but this is a completely different ballgame. Sensing this kind of unified vibe from them, yet not bordering over to the tacky and lovey-dovey mush, now that's nothing short of awesome. And reassuring, mind you. Reassuring in the sense that there is hope for mankind.

I have a tendency to fluctuate a bit when it comes to watching the news. Sometimes I simply have to watch it like there's no other option, but other times (like these past few days) I simply can't stand it. There's too much negative energy being released in this world. If it isn't a coverage on war and/or a conflict involving physical violence, then there's rape, mugging, corruption, blackmail and insincerity. I tell you, there's too much of this crap. Way too much.

Those are the times when I'm reminded of something Elizabeth Bennet once said (*sigh* P&P again...): "The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of either merit or sense." *scoffs* You and me both.

Yes, I realize I do sound like some old hippie when I say all of this, but I really lose faith in humanity sometimes. Just like in times like these. Ergo we need to focus on all the good stuff; acknowledge the bad stuff happening and try to do something about it, but not let it get to our heads. Or else we'll all go mental. So focus on the little things; even the tiniest specks of goodness that can brighten up your day whenever you feel like there's no hope in the world. In a larger scale, perhaps look at the people you admire and try to change your life accordingly to -- pardon the cliché -- make the world a better place in your own little way.

Ok. Rambling again. Not sure if that many people out there will be bothered reading yet another long sequence of nonsense, but just needed to get this out. Bet several of you readers know what I'm talking about.

Watching this movie kinda made me a little envious of the relationship that Paul and Linda had. My initial reaction, now as after the first few times I'd watched this movie, was one of sympathy for Paul, really. Looking at how his life has been after his wife died, you kinda start thinking that these women he's been seeing are sort of thought to be compensations for Linda. They're not at all immaculate, but at least he might believe that they show a small reflection of his late wife. Hence why he clings to them. However, the most overriding reason would probably be that he can't stand feeling alone. Now that his kids have all grown up, many of which having families of their own, he is searching for another "post-soul-mate" lifelong companion again. Hence why he remarries. Then when the relationship starts getting a bit iffy, he/she/they file for divorce and he's left alone again. And continues searching. I'm probably not the only one who's got this theory.

Anyway. A slight digression there. As I said, I kind of envy the relationship Linda and Paul had. This was the following reaction I had. Missing having that connection with someone. Having one with your parents, friends, and relatives is one thing, but sometimes you kinda wonder how you're going to turn out in the end. I am a firm believer in that there's one person out there who's meant for you. I believe that God's plan for us is to give us a series of individual challenges here on Earth and when we pass a certain number or kind of them, we may be entitled to get to know this person with whom we're going to spend the remainder of our lives here on Earth -- and meet more challenges; this time together. Either that, or be a spinster/bachelor (cf. in my case, be the "weird cat lady"), or serve Him. Whatever He chooses.

I have my moments wherein I start thinking about where my "mystery man" is, my "missing link", if you will; if he's wondering where I am, what he's doing, or even if he exists. Or if he does exist, if he ever wonders if I exist. I eventually reason out that if he does exist, we already have a special subliminal subconscious connection; that our souls communicate with each other even though we ourselves are unaware of the other's existence or response. Cute thought? Probably. Naive? Not in my mind, it ain't. As most of us already know, there are more things between Heaven and Earth, so why should not this be one of them? We are still quite unaware of the mechanisms of the stirrings of the soul, so again, why not? I've already gotten way past the phase wherein I was simply in love with being in love. It's a long process, but I've started to see past that now and really focus on the inherent connection.

So yeah, I'm still constructing my future at the moment and I'm still waiting per se, but I've asked Him (and him) that he not enter into my life just yet. Not until everything is settled. This thing has to be put on hold at the moment. And if I'm not wrong, he probably feels the same way, too. It's all up to what He wants, though. I'm kind of excited to find out.

Anyway, enough rambling, more sleep. "But before we go" (Kermit the frog revisited), I thought I'd share one of my all-time favorite songs with you -- coincidentally being Paul's homage to his soul mate.

Signing off,


Monsoon said...


Great post! Haven't seen that film though, but sounds like it's worth a watch!
I think you and I have that in common, the fact that we have something to look up to and admire in our parents' relationships. Mine have been together since they were 14 and 16, and are now 58 and 60, which means 44 years. And they still love each other, profoundly. I have, like you probably are too, always been grateful for that. To have that kind of love in or home, has made me a great deal of good. Despite the odd fight and stuff, I never ever doubted their love, because you can feel it's a loving home once you step inside of the house... I am sure it is just the same with your house in that sense... We are so lucky to have this!

I don't find you naive at all really, for believe that he is out there just getting ready for you. I believe that stuff too. My problem is that I met the one that know I am meant for, only he is not ready for me. Love is patient, it says in the Bible, amongst a lot of other things, and somehow when I read that, I felt it spoke to me. God only knows, how many times I have talked to him, cried to him, asked for advice, etc, on this whole matter. Two years ago I told him that I can't do anything else, and that I now left it in his hands. I still love "Bob", with my entire being, and I feel silly for it. But, perhaps there is a plan with it all in the end. My mum just told me; "maybe God means that the two of you are meant for each other, but that you had to wait for him to be ready for you. Maybe that's why you weren't meant to forget him"... I don't know. Time will tell. And whatever it is, I am sure God will give me something great. As do I believe for you. You are an amazing person, and a beautiful woman, both inside and outside, so someone just as amazing is waiting for you, dreaming of you, and wondering when it is time...

Hugs :-)

Elise said...

Sorry for the late reply, but thanks! It's a nice film and it's posted on YouTube in its entirety. Just search for "Linda McCartney Story" or "LMS" and you'll get it.

Yeah, that's true, that your parents are also contemporary marriage deviants. That's how it's supposed to be! And yes, if I do say so myself, we are very very lucky indeed!

Hm, interesting idea about love being patient. It might be that your mom is right about this. 'Cause I mean He couldn't have let this happen just for the heck of it. God's not a killjoy. I'm certain that He's trying to tell something to you (and to the rest of your acquaintance who knows about Bob) through all of the ordeals that you've gone through with respect to this issue (at least), so it might just be to just wait for him to get ready. For all I know, it could also be related to a general truth about relationships as well. I don't know. But whatever the plan He has may be, I'm certain that it's part of a bigger picture. You might just be able to figure out how the pieces of the puzzle fit together after something else has happened. That's the beauty (and frustration) of hindsight, I guess. Anyway, be it Bob or someone else, your special someone is out there.

Hugs back! :-)