Saturday, January 28, 2006


Aye there, possums!

Dunno if anyone will actually read what I'll be writing in this blog, but whattheheck, I'm gonna write anyway. For those who absolutely want to read my blog, here's some organized info on my background:
  • Attended the International Baccalaureate at the International School of Stavanger (ISS), and completed it in May 2005 (That is, last summer).
  • Currently taking a gap year until this fall (a.k.a. fall of 2006) when I've so far completed a course in International English for Business and Professional Purposes, and am still studying Spanish on High School level, as it was impossible for me to take that course at ISS.
  • Am also aiming at completing my driving lessons before this fall. We'll see if I can manage to fulfil my aims in this department - even though I'm a self-admitting BAD driver.
  • Am also working at Stavanger University Hospital as a cleaner/technician (definition of latter term: cleaner of sets of operational instruments and in charge of washing, packing, sterilizing and storing for future use.)
  • Religious; fervent believer of the Catholic faith, yet tolerant to other people's lifestyles and beliefs.
  • Personal regard: A contemplating Bridget Jones searching for her Mark Darcy! :-D Hehe, well, perhaps not exactly so at present, but it sounded very poetic!
  • Hate L'Oréal commercials. "Because I'm/you're/we're worth it"?! What the friggin' heck?! Stupid asses!
  • Also hate Britney Spears and X-tina.

To me both of them are a disgrace to womanhood. I mean, okay, though their music isn't exactly to my taste I do respect them as artists when it comes to making music - but do they have to undress themselves until they're almost naked?!?! Do they have to look as if they're starring in a friggin' porn movie? Doesn't that give off the wrong signals? Doesn't the audience fail to consider them as serious musicians that way (if they indeed are as serious as they claim themselves to be performing in their underwear - and barely that, even)? First impressions when you see artists in their music videos is essential to me to judge the quality of their talents. In other words, I'd rather listen to Celine Dion, Katie Melua, Madrugada, or any artist/band who actually can resist wearing next to nothing in their videos. Sorry for this outburst of opinions even in my very first blog, but I get so frustrated when I see artists stooping to that level. Once an artist achieves that level, he/she has reached rock bottom. Then that artist has failed to obtain my good opinion of him/her forever. Humph. There is a certain thing called "dignity" too, ya know. And when it comes to such artists, I believe they've lost every single ounce of that and by that lost any scruple. So in Spanish: Ellos son totalmente locos!

So stay tuned for further updates on my personal life, thoughts and dreams.

However, don't expect me to write about every single aspect of my life, as I would like to protect certain aspects of my private life and also the identities of certain acquaintances.

Until next time!


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