Friday, February 10, 2006

Raindrops keep falling on my head. Not.

I feel as if I'm rambling about again. Yep, got one of those days again.

Yesterday I had Spanish and our writing session. Well, I should say, writing-slash-preparation for oral exams this May (for those with Spanish B; yet for those with Spanish C, their exam isn't until... err... June, or so). If there's anyone out there actually reading the stuff I'm writing, you can perhaps tell that I am an intellectual. And I should inform you that I actually affirm that statement. Yes, I am an intellectual - and darn proud of it as well. :-D

But anyways, yesterday I was walking on sunshine ever since I went from school at the end of the day. I was so extremely happy, 'cause I just found out from my teacher (who by the way is one of the most fantastic teachers that ever was!) that I am well on the way to actually ace my exams! Straight after I'd heard about this, all I could think of was simply:


For the rest of the day I had "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina & the Waves in my head. Even when I watched the BBC version of "Pride & Prejudice" again I couldn't keep myself from thinking that I actually can get good grades in Spanish. Even though I've only been taking classes for about 4 months (going on 5)...

Do I sound arrogant and pretentious now? If I do, let me apologize, as I am just so happy at the moment! :-D So you can perhaps see clearly that my... err... what was that term again? Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs... *thinking hard, searching desperately on the internet on stuff about Maslow's Hierarchy*... Self esteem! There we go! So the sentence becomes thus: "So you can perhaps see clearly that my self esteem has sky-rocketed!" Hehe! Nothing beats getting positive feedback from a teacher! Well, that really depends on your own circumstances in life, but when you're me, this is as good as it gets!

Yes, I am a nerd.

Hear me roar.


When it comes to my driving... well, I think my instructor is simply waiting for me to take my theoretical exam. After about 20 sessions with him and my lousy driving (believe me, it really isn't marvellous at all!) he seems to cut me some slack at the moment to enable the police to finish up their check on my conduct (just a formality, according to the people at the road and traffic agency... this was by the way the closest I could come to a translation of the Norwegian term of Vegvesenet! I will close this parenthesis now...) and wait for me to take that test - and hopefully pass it - before we embark on another great adventure with his car. A great and presumably panicky adventure according to myself, as I consider myself as being one of the worst drivers that ever walked on the face of the Earth.

And would probably prefer to walk on the face of the Earth if given the option.

I mean, I can deal with the theoretical stuff, but when it comes to actually putting this information into practice... that's a different story. I'm not exactly a very practical person, I dare say. As Mary Bennet in "Pride & Prejudice" said at one point in the series: "I should infinitely prefer a book." Tragic, but unfortunately true. Yet I just have to continue with my practicing and stuff. Apparently this is supposed to give me a great deal of freedom; more so than if I didn't drive at all. I therefore have to persist and not give up.

As three famous philosophers once said a few years ago:
"I'm a surva-vuh! I'm not gon' give up! I'm not gon' stop! I'm gon' work har-duh!"

"Philosophers"? Cringe.

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