Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Awright. I'm not going to dedicate a whole blog entry to saliva. I just wanted some variation in the blog title. Something random, ya know. So there, saliva. Perfect.

If there's anyone out there who actually cares about reading this blog and does read it, then this is just to inform that I've added a few links to other blogs and websites of celebs I like. Actually the list could just go on and on, but this will be all for now. I'll probably update it at a later date, the reason being that it's less than TWO WEEKS 'till my Spanish exams! Less than TWO FRIGGIN' WEEKS!!! I absolutely can't believe it! Too little time! Waaay too little time! *slight panic* As Mrs. Bennet from "Pride & Prejudice" so earnestly said: "This is all very vexing!" Indeed.

Greetings and hugs to my cyberfamily out there! May the Force (God! The ultimate Force!) be with you all! By the way, this is the part where I pick up my blue light sword and leave to prepare for a date with Luke Skywalker.

No, really. I'm serious.

*Feeling smug*




Monsoon said...

¡Hola amiga!

¿Que tal? Espero eres muy bien!!

My Spanish is really crappy, so over to English I think. So you thought you could hide from me, eh?!? I was just searching blogs in Rogaland, and there you were. Cool! You are incredibly funny, in fact hilarious is a more accurate description.

I am sure you will ace your Spanish, you surely deserve it, big time. I admire, and like, the fact that you are hard-working. It is a rare quality in people in general these days.

I am having my maths exam coming Wednesday. Heeelp!

I will be praying and thinking of you on your exam day.

Hugs from Eilen

Ps. May I link to you? Pliiiiis!!

Elise said...


Nope, didn't think I could hide from ya! ;) *lol* Thanks for commenting! I really don't get many comments at the moment, which is basically my own fault because I don't tell that many people that I've actually GOT a blog which I'm actually WRITING IN now... Err...

Haha! You think I'm funny! *lol* Thanx!

As I said on your blog, I'm sure you did just fine today! :) You too are an honest, hard-working mujer and you really do deserve to get friggin' fantastic grades! I'm positive you did great on it, & I'll be praying for you too for the rest of your exams! Btw, is it only Spanish now for you, or am I just imagining things?

And yeah, you CAN link to me only if you let me link to you! :D

Huggies (isn't that a diaper brand? Me trying desperately to be cute doesn't seem to turn out as well as I thought! Discard this and go for the real HUGS instead!) from Elise

Elise said...

Hm. Hang on. I'd already done it. Sorry, should have asked you first! If you could be so kind as to find it in your heart to forgive my grossly erroneous action, I would be much obliged. P&P mode now. Sorry.

Monsoon said...

You are highly forgiven. I don't mind you linking to me at all, and thanks for letting me link to you.

Yepp, I only have Spanish left now. In a month's time that is.

Yes, you are funny. You have always made me laugh, and I love that in people!! Especially if they can be serious and devoted at the same time, which you can.

I hope I did well today, and I can only find two small mistakes... I do hope I get 5. Please!

Huggies is a brand of nappies, you're right there Elise!

I slept 1,5 hours last night, dreading the exam today. So I guess you can say I am wrecked big time!! Sigh...

Take care, in my prayers and thoughts for your exams. Which dates? 9th and?

Eilen :-)

Elise said...

Yeah, gonna have my exams on the 9th (written) and on the 11th (oral).


That statement just says it all, dunnit?

Hugs (not diapers this time! Haha, funny. Not.),