Thursday, May 04, 2006

Summer is here at last!!! (For now...)


You can't believe how wonderful it is outside right now!!! A slight taste of summer, I reckon. Sitting here on our balcony and savoring/enjoying the nice weather - a completely cloudless sky, around 20 degrees centigrade... and wind. There's always a great deal of wind in my part of the country, especially here in the coastal areas. So it's kinda destroying all the sunny and warm weather now. But nevertheless, here I am, sitting in light summer clothes and listening to the Beach Boys with "I Get Around". To me that's really one of the ultimate summer hits!

Oooh! Bucks Fizz again! Weehee! Love 80's music! Can't say the same about the clothes, though. Hideous. Big mohair neon pink jumpers and neon green tights with Tina Turner's "What's-Love-Gotta-Do-With-It" hair put up in a ponytail right on top of yer head? I guess that was the idea of being subtle in those days... I mentally thank my parents for being a teenager in the right decade!

Anyways, studying Spanish is okay. The only thing I permit myself to read are either Spanish newspapers on the internet, a collection of Spanish poems by Pablo Neruda I got from a friend and my notes on grammar and facts about history, culture and info on Spain, Mexico and Argentina. For once I pat myself on the back for being so efficient! :-D Yet I feel I need to do more. Efficient doesn't seem good enough at the moment. I feel kinda guilty that I'm not doing more of it... Ah well, my results will tell if I've done a good job, or not. Crossing my fingers for good grades.

Anyways, for those who care reading this blog, you probably wonder why I chose "Effulgent Sempiternity" as part of my URL. "What the heck does it mean, anyways?! And why has she put such a stoopid set of words in her URL?!?"

Well, I'll tell you.

"Effulgent Sempiternity" basically means "radiant eternity". Cheesy and perhaps not a very usual combination of words, but I am very fond of big words and I wanted to express my views on life. So there.

My view on life in general is a positive one. I mean, of course there are wars and conflicts between peoples - and that has always been the case for us humans. However, when focusing on the more positive aspects of our existence we've actually found out a great deal over the past years. Take for instance Newton's Law of Gravitation. Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Heck, even the Pythagorean Theory! We've traveled to the moon and sent satellites that allow us to check how other planets are like. We've basically reached the stars.

As for matters here on Earth we've managed to categorize most of the species and can find out how certain species behave and go on with their lives. God knows what fantastic things we'll figure out in the future.

So there you go. Our eternity really is amazing. Radiant, even. It is hard to focus on these positive things when you see people starving in Africa, or rainforests in South America being destroyed, or conflicts in Iraq and Sri Lanka. But I guess sometimes you have to try focusing on the positive aspects of this world, like people obtaining their rights, standing up for themselves for a charitable cause or something to that effect. That's one way of keeping oneself sane, I guess. And sanity is something we don't seem to have much of in this world.

With this thought mind, I'm hereby going to end this entry. Gives you a little something to think about, dunnit?`



Monsoon said...

Yeah, it does give one something to think about. I, like you, have written about Darfur/Africa in my blog, and also about our fantastic achievements as humans. Things like these give me plenty of reasons to be happy with what I have, and to focus on the small good things in life.

Sounded like you were having a great time out on the balcony. I have been inside for most of the day, looking at my copy of my math exam. I was admiring it... Nooo. kidding. I was trying to solve the one I got wrong. No luck yet. I will leave it till next week, maybe then I will have figured it out.

Take care!


Elise said...

Hehe, yeah, annoying when there's one mistake which you can't solve. Nerve-wrecking, really.

As for me, I'm still studying Spanish like I've never studied Spanish before. And I really haven't devoted days upon days just simply focusin on Spanish. Should have thought of that earlier, but I guess I was a bit too lazy... Laziness is quite a personality trait of mine. Alas, alack, this is but the truth. O woe, if idleness had been but a virtue! *lol* Nah, never mind that.

Ah well, back to Spanish, I guess.

Cheers (though I don't drink)!!!


Monsoon said...


Just letting you know I am sending you all the positive vibes I am able to get a hold of in this heat.

You're gonna be juuuust fine, believe me!

Estoy muy estresada hoy, y tengo dolor de cabeza también. Joder!

My Spanish is terrible, so I better start studying BIG TIME! I have read one chapter in my Spanish school book, every night in my bed, at least... But it's time to get serious!

Love Eilen

Monsoon said...

Soooooo excited to hear the news on how you felt the exam went today!!

Have been thinking about you lots, and prayed for you as well.


Elise said...


Thnx for prayers, positive vibes, etc. Test yesterday went fine, I guess. Two tasks, one for comprehension and writing a short text, while the second was the one with the options for the longer and more in-depth kind of text.

I kind of regret the choice of task I made, 'cause I didn't get a chance to show any sort of knowledge about Spanish/Latin-American culture as I could for the other tasks. But scribbled down some sentences using the subjunctive and "formal" future tense, so I hope that made up for the lack of info.

Ah well, there's nothing I can do about it now, anyways. As we all know, there's no use crying over spilt milk. Besides, I've still got another exam tomorrow, which requires an equal amount of studying/cramming! Yaaaaaarrrrgh...

And off I go!
