Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Post-exam life

The title can be summed up in one word only: TEDIOUS!

It's strange, 'cause before you can say "exam's over" you seem to have gone from one extreme to another. Let me clarify: About a month before my Spanish exams I'd studied like heck and now, after I've finished them I'm suddenly left with nothing particular to do. Nothing meaningful, that is. The same thing happened during and after the IB exams. Before the exams all my time was used for studying, and then the day after I'd completed my last exam I realized that there wasn't anything that I needed to do anymore. In a sense I felt kinda empty, if you get what I mean. I could be bored and not feel guilty about it. I know this is strange, but this is basically what I'm feeling right now. Bored.

And here's another weird remark: I can't WAIT to go back to school again! It's only been like, two weeks since my finals in Spanish and I really am starting to feel bored. Let me rephrase that: I AM bored. I started to feel bored about 10 days ago. My mind seems to get increasingly blunt and my life is relatively lazy, if I do say so myself. To be honest, I'm just waiting to start working and afterwards drag my sorry butt to uni to sharpen up my mind a little. Keep myself occupied both physically and mentally. Well, mostly mentally. The physical part I can take care of whenever.

How my exams went? Well, I can't say I'm dissatisfied. Take that as you will. :-P I've only received my grade for the orals; I won't get my grade for the written exam until mid-June, or something. In the mail. And then I'll have to xerox it up and send it to Samordna Opptak along with some other stuff. Then there's just waiting. Waiting, hoping and praying (which I'm also doing at the moment). In the mean time I'll be working at Stavanger University Hospital for about 5 weeks - if my blunt mind hasn't failed me yet... Which I slightly suspect it has... Not good. Not good at all.

Anyway, this is going to be a relatively short blog. I've been cooped up inside this house far too long; it's time for me to get my arse out of doors and inhale the fresh yet pollen-infested air. Yees. Life is beautiful; especially when it's sunny, which it seems to be at the moment. Well, the sun seems to peek out sporadically between the clouds, so I'm going to take my chances and enjoy it while I can. For all I know, sunshine, wind and 10 degrees centigrade could be all summer we'll get...

Happy studying to all those who are still cramming, and to those who aren't, enjoy boredom! God knows we need to be idle sometimes! (However, not too much...)


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