Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Man, that last post was a long one. Just had to point that out to y'all.

Yep, still neurotic,


L said...


I take it blogstipation, or whichever other oxymoron it was that hit you, is a thing of the past, then?

Hope your driving test went well and that you didn't hit any buses or anything on your way back to the... umm... place where the driving test people are. (Eighth circle of hell?)

Anyway, was just stopping by to say hi, so... Hi! See you Sat.

Elise said...


Thought you were some kind of random person who happened to stumble over my blog, but I have now been enlightened of your true identity, Ms. Squeaky Dear. :-D

Blogstipation, you say? Oh yes, very much so. Well, I've been kinda busy lately and after work I'm not exactly keen on surfing on the net after that kind of exhaustion... Only 6 days of work left! Yeeey! :-D

Can't wait 'till Sat!


Elise said...

And by the way... I won't reveal your true identity if you don't want me to. :-) I regard myself as entirely capable of keeping your secret identity secret. (Sudden unwanted flashback to stereotypical secret agent á la James Bond/Johnny English... Hm, wonder what my secret code number would be? 0013? Yeah, most likely. *chain of thought extending far beyond allowed limit*)

Err, anyway, see you at noon! :-)
