Wednesday, November 15, 2006


This is me right now:

Except for the sleeping over a bowl of food.

Been a good student and studied and reviewed before Grammar seminar, and am completely knackered. Yet again, my head is filled with helium, which resulted in absentmindedness and cheesy remarks blurted out by yours truly. Again. Looooovely. Eeeeeexcellent.

Eilen's done with home exam already. There's still a loooong way to go before I get there. But I will get there. Sooner or later. Promise.

But for now I need to get through this schtuff first. That word was not Yiddish.

You know what? I'm gonna leave it at this. I'm so tired I can barely type this nonsense. Besides, grammatical terms keep whirling around inside my head anyways. Finite clauses... Subject... Verb... Direct object... "That"-clauses... Nominal - argh, never mind. It doesn't matter. Complicated stuff, that is.

Looking forward to dragging myself home to the smell of freshly-baked gingerbread men.

Home. Hooooooome. Christmas... Vacation!!! *sigh* Enough already.

Feeling groovy (Simon & Garfunkel song stuck in my head),



Monsoon said...

Poor sweetie! You have my deepest sympathy. You mustn't kill yourself in the drive for brilliant grades. Right. you can't enjoy them if you kill youself you know.

That kitten is just so darn cute I want to eat it, or squeeze it. No, but it makes me mushy. (how do you write that exactly!?)

My head too feels like there's othoing there. My body is wrecked, I must ahve run a marathon, at least. Knackered, pooped and all the rest. I need sleep.

Love and God bless and good luck to ya!

Clam chowder, xerox paper and macaroni.


Elise said...

No, no, I'm fine, really, I am. I'm just... stressing about, that's all. It's just that these are my first exams here at uni and all. I don't expect to get brilliant grades. Not that I wouldn't mind getting those, though. And no, I don't have any plans of killing myself. Not now, nor ever.

Mushy? Hm. I tend to write it as "mooshy", but I don't think it matters. I think they use "mushy" in the UK - you know, for "mushy peas". I don't know. But yeah, that was one of those cute pics.

Go to sleep, daingit!!! You're done! You deserve it!

Thanks! :-D Keeping my fingers crossed for ya too!

Brie, cheddar and mozzarella (since I feel like I'm the Queen of Cheese at the moment),