Saturday, November 18, 2006

Breaktime! :-D

Guess who (kind of) loudly exclaimed at the school cafeteria yesterday the oh-so-tactful remark: "We're all freaks!" so that the rest of the diners could hear her loud and clear... This was by the way the same person who at that moment sank down in her chair and felt small and kind of embarrassed. *cringe* "Bridget Jones" moment of the week right there. Perfect way to end a week! I needed to laugh a bit, though. Helps to de-stress.

Listening to sugar-coated, shallow, cliché-filled synthetic 80's pop á la Rick Astley. Just in that bubbly mood despite vigorous reviewing. Well, not that vigorous, actually. But those two sort of go hand in hand with me. Shallowness and reviewing.

Don (a.k.a. Gerd Torunn, sister of best friend) came for a visit today with her beau, which was fun. Hadn't seen her for a while. Aaand thanks to her boyfriend (who seemed to be utterly fascinated with my TippEx/correction fluid/white-out/"tabbelakk"... o.O), he's now made me associate oregano with organs, i.e. intestines and the likes. Another absurd association along the lines of Jonas Gahr Støre/diced bacon. Eating pizza will definitely be a new experience next time around. Oh yes.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that with y'all. It's amazing what exam prep can do to you...

Yes, I'm gonna shut up now and do something sensible. :-P

Soon homeward bound (still dunno when... frustrating! Argh!),


Sminkedukkene said...

Come now! It wasn't that bad. Besides we love you anywise even if you're a bit of a freak...:P As a wise person I know said: "We're all freaks!"

Monsoon said...

Yes, don't we all live for those moments. Not! hehe. Funny to tell later in life, as a story though. I wish I could remember what it was I said to Terje, our ex-Spanish teacher, after he had told me his wife had "tossed" him out. In the hall at school.. I just know it was something very embarrassing, and I blushed BIG time. I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did though, You laughed your head off by it...

Take care, and yes, aren't we all freaks. I have always said that I am a freak of nature that should be studied and examined, sooo...

Lovey dovey, hand creme and rhubarb - Monsoon

Elise said...

Haha, yeah, Eilen, I remember that incident! Hee hee... Hang on, wasn't it in our classroom, though? We were just sitting there waiting for our train and he was about to leave and then suddenly he dropped that line. Have no clue why he told us that. I guess you've got that compassionate air around you!

Hm, no, can't say I remember what you said. *brain made of teflon* But I do remember me laughing.

With you, not at you. :-P Of course.

Freak of nature worth examining, eh? Hm, bet you'd probably prefer to be examined by a certain person you write heaps about in your blog... Ever so subtle hint there.

Anyway, I'll see you soon (sometime after that blasted final exam I haven't gotten a date for yet)!

Eye gel, hairspray and Michelin man,