Friday, December 08, 2006

Day off.

Oh yeah. 3 frantically-scribbled exams later, I'm back behind the computer screen. Oh yeah.

Such a great relief to be done with 75% of the exams! I'm sure my other friends can relate to that! :-) Though the remaining 25% is still a considerable amount. But the last one will just last 15 minutes, so it's probably going to be over before I know it. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

I intended to write a little something on this page to Kim who just recently got engaged, but never really got that far. That little voice inside my head reprimanded me baaaad when I got to the "Create post" frame/window/thingy/getmydrift. So I listened to it and plunged myself into the depths of the sea of Translation. And last night I moved on to the sea of Grammar, where I was dangerously close to drowning. Near-death experience academically there. But I survived.

So anyways, here goes then: "CONGRATS WITH YOUR ENGAGEMENT, KIM!" :-D So incredibly happy for you! I'd give you a hug, but you're far away... Far, faaaar away... In another continent, even... But still, the best of luck to you and Shane! May God bless you and keep you together forever! :-D

This evening I've got NOTHING planned! As my final exam's on the 12th, I figure I'd give in to my lazy-ass self and do NOTHING. NOTHING of academic value, that is. My brain needs a rest.
Meanwhile, I'm starting to get into Christmas mode now. What with Christmas tunes on the radio, the library/study hall filled with decorations, Christmas lights outside the faculty buildings, utterly gigantic Christmas tree on the square on campus, the smell of rice porridge from the cafeteria, Christmas commercials on TV, Christmas songs being played on the radio, cooooold weather (*content sigh*)... I mean, can you really avoid it? But I absolutely adore this, so I don't really mind!

All that's needed now is snow.

In Oslo as well as at home. Preferably at home. And during my train ride. *sigh*

And that exams are over and done with. Of course.

Not too many Christmas lights in the windows of the houses I walk past on my way to school, though. Some at the Institute of Meteorology, though. But that's about it. Feeling slight disappointment... At home people put up their lights on the first Sunday of Advent, and there's this competition between the neighbors on who puts up their Christmas lights first. Hm, well, it's not really a competition, though. We just notice who's put up their lights first. "We" as in my Mom. ;-)

Hm. Now I'm really in Christmas mode.

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire (but where's the fire? Not to mention the chestnuts?),

Ps.: Feel like munching on ginger snaps now. Need to get myself some...


Anonymous said...

I want snooooow!!! *whines* This isn't right!? Norway, in the middle of Desember, with green grass??! Noooo!! *sniffles*
I'm super-grateful that grammar exams are over for now though.. Even though I know I have to take it again.. :P Heh.. ;)
My last 25% of exams on Monday! And then.... Holidays!! :D
Merry Christmas, and have a happy holiday! :D

Elise said...

I knooooooooooow! I want snow too!!! Preferably when I'm on that dreadfully long train ride home and when I'm actually at home myself. Yeah, am pretty darn grateful that we're done with three exams, at least. This week has been v. stressful indeed... Too much reading and little brain space... Or so it seemed. As we discussed earlier today... :-)

And a Merry Christmas to you too! Make sure you de-stress completely! :-D

See ya next week (I think/hope?)!
