Friday, December 29, 2006


Heheee... Big word! Couldn't help myself. Once a nerd, always a nerd. ;-)

Two days ago I got the best Christmas present EVER!!! :-D I'm not intending to give any details on this humble blog (as I want the more important aspects of my personal life to remain private), but what I will say is that I feel indescribably happy and extremely lucky to have this happening to me. The side effects remain up until the moment of writing, and will most likely remain for a long, long time. At least, that's what I'm hoping for. Heh, made you wonder now, didn't I? Well, that was the intention.

I reeeeeeally want to write more here, but there's something that stops me from doing it. I.e. rumors and gossiping. Especially at home. Besides, as I said earlier, certain aspects of my life don't really concern others but myself and those who are involved in those aspects as well as those who I regard as being my closest acquaintances (i.e. family and certain close friends). Certain private things should remain private, in my opinion. So I've come to the conclusion that this one will. Unless somebody asks me what this strangely amusing thing I'm talking about is, of course... I will reveal certain details about this if ever someone asks me, though not all. When it comes to matters such as this, I like to be in charge of who gets to know how much about what.

So there.

Otherwise, besides that wonderful thing that happened two days ago, Christmas has been awesome! I can't describe how great it is to be home right now! It's been ages since I've seen my family and my friends! And yes, I've missed the wind. And right now it's really windy outside. Aaaah. Perfect. Almost.

So, what more to write? Hm. It's cold in my room. Sitting in front of the computer with a blanket over my back and slippers on my feet to prevent myself from freezing to death. But I'm good. I'm fine. I'm warming up. Slowly, but surely. Anyway. Randomness galore. Um, I'm gonna quit now before it gets worse...

Positive vibes to the world! (And peace and goodwill to all men! And women!)

P.S.: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :-D (Just in case I forget to write about this when the time comes...)

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