Friday, January 05, 2007

A contrastive post.

It always feels so strange starting off a new year. 2006 is all over and done with and suddenly we're in 2007. I don't know. It doesn't really sound very strange, but it just seems to have that effect on me. And to think that in a matter of seconds on New Year's Eve one goes from one year to another. Strange. Utterly peculiar.

I guess it's times like that when you really get struck by how fast time goes. Seriously, it seems as if it was only one week ago since I studied Spanish at Sonans and two weeks since I did IB at ISS. Actually it's more like one year and 2-3 years respectively. Dude. This is like... weird, man.

In addition to this, it feels strange to look over your shoulder and think about how much you've accomplished so far. But it's even stranger to think about what you're going to accomplish in the future. Complete studies, get a job (presumably permanent), settle down with hubby, get a cat (see further details here), have kids, grow old, see grandchildren... Argh. I'm still young; I don't want to think about getting old. Why should I? I'm still young. All I'm hoping for, though, is just a stable, happy and good life. That's all I ask for. No funny business. No strings attached. And for that matter, I'm hoping the same for all of you people reading this blog (as well as those who don't), whoever you are and however you may be related to me.

Thoughtful, this was. Hm. I should even this out a bit.

"If you hadn't nailed it to the perch, it would be pushing up the daisies! (...) THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!!" Heeee... Norwegian Blue... A classic... Monty Python rocks!!!

There. Thoughtfulness cancelled out by silliness. Mission complete.

Happy Friday,


Sminkedukkene said...

I'm back! Or kinda. I can talk again, and it feel magnificent, and now all that's lacking is warm food, crunchy food, warm showers and physical dawdling and I'm back to the same old me. I won't miss the pain killers either. I feel like an old lady eating as many pills as I have lately.

Elise said...

Hi Sara! Great to hear that you're fine again! Goodness me, you've gone through some serious business with that tonsil operation! Hope you ate heaps of ice cream to compensate! (Or did you?) And as far as physical dawdling's concerned, you've come to the right person, my friend! (Despite my nerdiness and infamous study conscience, obv.) I wanna dawdle! Let's dawdle! (õ.O)

Speaking of dawdling, are you back in Oslo now, or is my mind just filled with pink elephants? (Yes, today's one of those randomness days.)

Anyway, headin' back to Oslo on Fri., so if I don't see you this weekend, I'll see you next week!

Llamas galore,

Sminkedukkene said...

I am indeed back in Oslo, I sent you a message...or so I thought. I may have imagined it. I am afterall high on medications. See ya next week then. Looking forward to it!

Elise said...

Hm, message? From you? Nope, if you've sent it I haven't received it yet. Dangit, I wanna DAWDLE!!! (Actually I am dawdling right now, but still...) High on medications? Sudden strange flashback to that insanely stoopid song by... wotsisname. "Because I got high, because I got high, because I got hiiiigh..." (Noooo, make it stoooop!)

I'll hereby shut up.
