Thursday, January 18, 2007

Español, el futuro y tonterías...

And then suddenly the week of classes was over. Oh my cat. (Variation of "Oh my dog", which again is a variation on "Oh my God", in case you were wondering.) Time goes so fast when... you're actually doing something other than lazing around. :-S Uh... yeah.

I can't wait to start with Spanish again (have just had my introductory lecture for Spanish today)! :-D Not only is it an incredibly fascinating language (in terms of grammar (yes, I actually do like grammar. Please don't shout), word order, the words themselves and the way they are pronounced), but Spanish and Latin-American history and culture are quite interesting as well. Just think of it: Flamenco. Salsa. Tango. Gypsy Kings. Don Quijote de La Mancha. Salvador Dalí. Christopher Columbus (Cristóbal Colón). Antoni Gaudí. Juanes. "La Bamba". Maracas. La Sagrada Familia. Bullfights (mind you, I'm not particularly fond of this brutal yet odd Spanish pastime...). Catholicism (!). Rigoberta Menchú. Evita Perón. Turrón. Paella. Excellent hot chocolate (so thick and creamy you have to eat it with a spoon... aaah... *longing sigh*). And last, but not least... MANUEL FROM "FAWLTY TOWERS"!!! ("¿Qué?") *smirks*

So if things go as planned I might even consider taking a semester/year to somewhere in Spain, maybe the 4th or 5th semester. Mmm, Spain... That would be so awesome... But my mind isn't made up yet. I'm also considering Canada and the UK, you see. And for all I know, I might even save this time abroad for my possible Master's/2nd Bachelor (Spanish). I don't know. "I know nooooothing." (As said by the abovementioned Manuel.) It all depends on this semester, I guess.

I have to admit it's sort of frustrating not to know what you'll end up as (as I'm sure Eva can relate to... Pray, should I even be announcing this here?). Will I end up as a teacher at some fancy international school, or simply as a cashier at a seedy restaurant? Blimey. Hope it's not the last alternative. No offense to restaurant employees, of course. "Oh, what is to become of us?" Mrs. Bennet of "Pride & Prejudice" repeatedly said. And she couldn't express it more explicitly than that. Between those massive headaches and the frequent complaining about her nerves, and gossiping, she did have a few moments of - well, no, actually she was pretty silly throughout that novel. Imagine having a mother like that. Ugh. Enough about "Pride & Prejudice" already! It's not even on my curriculum (unfortunately). *shoves thought aside* Let's go read (about) Plato, shall we?

Oooh. Rick Astley. (Sorry, listening to sugar-and-polyester-coated bouncy 80's pop. Reminds me of this Royal Variety show when I was about 2 years old, or so...) Fascinating voice on that dude. Then again, most male pop artists had that kind of voice in those days. Or so it seemed. Anyway, enough pointless chitchat. Off for a date with Shakespeare and Plato. (Don't be jealous, hon'! :-P This is strictly... platonic. õ.O)

No soy una conejilla (¿Este? ¿Una tontería? ¡Claro que sí!),


Monsoon said...


I too want to learn more Spanish, Aaarghh!!!! I actually dreamt about Terje again, this time however, not one of those dreams I told you about. I dreamt he became my private tutor in Spanish. Which was fab!

You didn't tell me that you were taking Spanish as well. You must "embroider" this!! I am happy for you, needless to say, but mad at my age. The choices, because of many reasons, are a lot fewer than when being young. Why couldn't I be 21 and cute and intelligent and so on... Bugger!

I hope you are well and happy, and enjoying "stuff"...

Lovey dovey, and fried banana screams, of course!!


Anonymous said...

*urk* The torment of trying to figure out "what to become once we grow up".. though some claim that I'll never grow up.. :P
I'm sure you'll end up with something that'll feed both your soul and your brain though.. *smiles*

Elise said...

Eilen/Oeinao: Heeeeh... Bet you are! ;-) Yeah, I kinda miss having Terje as my teacher in Spanish. He really is a good one! If only I could turn out half as good as he is, I'd be very much content with myself!

But yeah, I'm taking Spanish this semester. It's just an introductory course, like that one we had at Sonans, but I'm just taking it to remind myself of all the things we've learnt before I start taking Spanish "full-time". Which will be during the next 2 semesters. Wish you could be here and take Spanish with me! I miss you elaborating on the wonders of "chiticallando" and laughing our heads off! :-D

Embroider? Ok, if you insist. (Would you like a fluffy teddy bear, or a bunch of balloons? ;-)) I'll be having two teachers in Spanish this semester. One of the teachers I'm gonna have (the one who lectured yesterday) seems to be a bit less involved/inspiring than Terje was. (Sadly.) But then again, this impression is based on one lecture only, so for all I know he might be just as good. Time will tell... As for the other one, he's genuinely Spanish, which means that I'll be hearing that lispy sound with the c's and z's. Man, I loooooove Spanish!!! :-D

Aaaand I'm sorry to break this to ya, but I'm not 21. At least not yet. Just give me 3 months time and I'm there. ;-) And another thing: You ARE intelligent! Never tell yourself anything else! And you ARE cute as well!!! It's just that some people are so narrow-minded and saturated with prejudice that they can't see past that! Pride and prejudice, I say. Especially prejudice. Humph. Arses.

And as for me enjoying "stuff"... yes, I most certainly AM!!! :-D

Diapers and fried/salty banana screams back to ya! :-D

Eva: Alas, alack, the pangs of not knowing which profession to pursue... I bite my thumb at it! Hm. Poetic Shakespearean mood. My apologies. As for growing up, however... yes, being mature is good, but being childish is even better! :-D That's where the fun is! Especially when YOU are pretending to be a 5 year-old! :-D (I can't really measure up to you when you talk like that!) Now that there can keep me amused for hours on end... ;-)

Have a nice weekend!

(Oooh. Long comment... :-S)