Saturday, January 27, 2007

*snapping maracas and stomping feet*

Had to giggle a bit when I noticed there were no "bewildered looks" on that last post. ;-) Didn't really come as a surprise to y'all that I wrote that stuff, did it? That skit with the Swedish Chef is one of my favorites, though. Anyway. *Shoves thought aside*

Saturday! Weekend! Woohoo! (Dare I say *happy dance*?) Less than a week until myyyy preciousssss comes to visit me! Those of you who know about this can probably guess that I'm reeeally looking forward to this...

Got a song stuck in my head today. Nothing out of the ordinary, I know, but this one reminded me of a commercial I couldn't (and still can't) put my finger on. The song I'm thinking of is "Here You Come Again" by Dolly Parton (don't ask). Now I know this is from a commercial which was aired aaages ago, but I still can't figure out which product it was used for. There was a car involved, too, I think. Could it be milk? Yoghurt? Chocolate? Lottery? Idunnooo... And it's annoying. *whimper*

Here's the song I'm thinking about, in case it doesn't ring a bell for you at once:

Ooooh. Mulder and Scully making ooout... Ooooh... ;-) Couldn't find one where Dolly Parton herself performed it, so I went for Mulder and Scully instead. Works just fine for me. At least you get the original version of the song. But yeah, still wondering about that ancient commercial, though. I remember me and my best friend pondering about this last summer, but we didn't come up with anything. Frustrating! I need chocolate.

Meanwhile, I was kind of astonished during my Spanish classes this week, because it seems as if we don't focus that much on the oral use of the language, but rather more on the written. I miss Sonans. I miss Terje's classes, 'cause since day 1 we really used Spanish in communicating to each other. I miss when me and Oeinao used to talk to each other in Spanish and laughing our heads off because of the strange words they used (e.g. "chiticallando", meaning "unnoticed"/"ubemerket"). Here we just seem to listen to the lecturer all the time.

Hm. Maybe I'm being too hasty in drawing conclusions about this. After all, we haven't really gone through that much in class yet. It's another way of teaching. I should give it a chance. Yes. I should. But I still miss Sonans! It was intense, but extremely fun! At the end of the session you'd have Spanish words and phrases buzzing around inside your head for hours, and then you found yourself making absurd sentences without any grammatical cohesion at all. That was fun. I liked that. I miss that.

There you go; my weekly release of frustration. Yarr. Shiver me timbers. Enough said. 'Till next time! :-D



Anonymous said...

*argh* Now I've started thinking about where I've heard that song before as well.. :S But, I have the feeling that I've heard it as the intro to some old tv-show, something along the lines of Family Ties or something.. Now, it's not Family Ties - I've checked on - but I just can't find where I've heard that song before... Annoyiiiiiing!! *rips out my hair by the roots* O_o

Elise said...

Hehe! :-D Insanely irritating, innit? But seriously, me and my best friend sat there for ages trying to figure out where we'd heard that song before, and we didn't get anywhere at all. But something's telling me that it's from a commercial rather than a TV show, though. I have a vague remembrance of a car backing from a driveway towards a street or something... And somehow, I'm thinking of yoghurt. :-S Doubt there is a connection. For all I know I may be going completely off on a tangent with this. "I know nooothing..." Argh, this is so aggravating!!! If you manage to figure this out, let me know, yeah? :-D

Anonymous said...

Hehe, I've sent my frustrations onwards to my cousin who normally know a lot of those jingles and intro-tunes, but she couldn't remember as well.. But she promised to think a bit about it, and let me know if she remembered.. :D

Monsoon said...


I miss Sonans too... Oooh what a surprise. But as you know I miss it for more than one reason. But Spanish, you, me and Terje in classroom 1, is one of them. However dear; you are really lucky to be able to learn more Spanish. I will take some language classes when I am done with my bachelor degree in soscial work.

I have been thinking about that ad as well. Can't remember where it is from though, and I always do!

Yes, I am sure you are looking forward to the visit. I hope you'll have a wonderful time!

Hugs from Oeinao/Monsoon/Eilen

Elise said...

Eva, hope she manages to figure it out, because this is (and I hereby quote from the eminent Lady Catherine de Bourgh) "extremely vexing; I'm quite put out!"

And yes, she does in fact say that she's "quite put out".

Eilen, if you at some point in time manage to figure this out, would you do me the favor of telling me, because I've been wondering about this since this summer! Annoying and then some!

Ooooh yes, I'm most definitely looking forward to the Visit (notice the capital "V"...)!

Oh, and yes, do take some more Spanish lessons! :-D Shame if those intense 6 months were to be wasted... Besides, based on the grades you got for the exams, you really should continue studying it! There's no reason not to!

Anyway, hope life's treating you well. Es decir, as godt que mulig. Geddit? :-P HAHAHAhahaha...haha...ha... ehrm. :-S

Hope to see you soon!

Elise/Elsie/Eslie/BLARGH!, etc.