Saturday, February 24, 2007

Quote! (#2)

I like this one, too:

"Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries." - Corita Kent

Find raisins in that if you can! ;-)

Raisins (and chocolate) forever,


(One further addition to post) Ps.: Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! And another little funny thing:

Heee... Saw that show live a couple of years ago, and that was one of my favorite skits of theirs. I.e. I couldn't help myself from posting it. God bless YouTube!

"Se, han knipser med venstre..."
"Han skulle brukt høyre hånd..."
"Men gjorde 'eg de'? NÅÅÅI!"



That was one crazy conversation on the comment board (see previous post). And to think that a seemingly innocent quote from Keats set this whole thing off. Professors having dirty minds, followed by raisins, followed by accusations of cross-dressing (*evil death stare* Sara...), Monty Python quotations, provocations, catfights, foodfights and duels. Man, this was random! And y'all know I love randomness! Man, this was fun! Againagainagain! :-P

Anyway, weekly sum-up, then. But what's there to sum up?! My week was basically as monotonous as the songs we learnt to play on the recorder in Primary School! Apart from the fact that I met Sewon and Inger last Wednesday. Sewon because she gave me her water kettle (Yay!), and Inger because... we were going to hang out. Nothing more, nothing less. Of course I wish we'd have spent more time together than those mere 3-4 hours, but due to my classes this could not be done. Grr. Ah well, bottom line, it was great seeing her again. Strange thing is, though, that we live in the same city yet we don't see each other very often. Still, it's understandable, since we're both busy doing our own thang.

But besides that, this week's just a blur. Just a whole mix of reading, washing dishes, washing clothes, cleaning bathroom, reading some more, writing a bit, blogging a bit, commenting a bit, then reading even more. Yes, my life is incredibly interesting! (That was sarcasm.) But spending time with friends, etc. makes the whole difference, really. I just wish... Nah, it's a bit more than a month left now, so I think I'll manage. ;-) Just need to order tickets back home and finish up a few assignments first, then I'm good to go.

Ugh. Assignments... *shiver* Conscience breathing down my neck. Guess I'd better listen to it. Succumb to its immense power. Immerse myself into the depths of... Descartes, Plato and Jane Eyre.

I CAN'T!!!

(But I must.)

I'm gonna go now.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Awright, check this one out:

"The only means of strengthening one's intellect is to make up one's mind about nothing - to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all thoughts..." - John Keats

Beautiful, isn't it? Somewhat philosophical, even... Anyway. That's all there is to say at the moment. Stumbled over this excellent quote on Fronter a few minutes ago, and thought I'd share it with y'all.

Happy Monday (or should it be "manic Monday" instead? Correct me if I'm wrong...)!


Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday fevah!

OK. I'd just added a video here on a certain "Crazy cow", but as I fear that people may get this song stuck in their head the next couple of days I deleted it. I finally came to the conclusion that this was too weird to be embedded in this humble green blog. There is a limit to how much weirdness I will permit myself to post. However surprising it may seem to the reader. Instead, permit me to at least give you a link to the blasted vid:

So, how's this week been? Nerdy as usual, I guess. I won't elaborate. I'll spare you from that. Meanwhile, study weeks have gone all bonkers in each subject. There is NO coordination between subjects at all! So much for going home and/or seeing my dearest. *growl in direction of uni* So what I guess I should do is to make the most of the free time I'm gonna get. A couple of hours a day, that is. *second growl in direction of uni* So the next time I'll be going home is for Easter break. Yarr.

Met up with Se Won today, as she's leaving for Korea in a couple of days. She's giving me her water-cooker/kettle/thingumajig/yaknowwottamean! So now I don't need to bother about bargain hunting! Yay! *Happy dance* Although we haven't had classes together since fall I'm gonna miss her. We've always had good times together. I hope we'll be able to keep in touch, although I actually suck at that.

Besides that, the infamous fire alarm has sounded 3 times this week. Exceedingly fun to stand outside in the (otherwise gloriously) cold night air when you really should be snuggled up in bed and sleeping the night away. And of course it takes another half-an-hour/45 mins to actually go to sleep again afterwards. Annoyed? Moi? Oui, oui.

Don't get me wrong, I really do like living here. Apart from the odd fire alarm sounding I'm quite satisfied with this place. The people are kind (at least most of them), uni's good, and the city center is just a subway ride away. Oh yeah, and they've got humoooooooongous slices of cake here! *swoon* Not to mention good quality sushi. Mmmm... Sushi... Mmm... forbidden candybar... Mmm... Something... Ok, random.

Crap. Sushi cravings again. I've already had chocolate cravings earlier today, due to my flatmate mentioning the gloooooorious concept of CHOCOLATE FONDANT. I don't have to elaborate, do I? Thank God I was able to get a quick fix. ;-) Ooo crap, here it comes again. Must... resist... temptation... of... alluring... chocolate...

So, without further ado I will hereby complete this carefully-concocted, yet oh-so-random post and leave you with this tongue-twister to ponder on:

A canner exceedingly canny
One morning remarked to his granny:
"A canner can can anything that he can can, but a canner can't can a can." Can he?

Oooh. Cleeever. :-P

Power to the Oreos,

Ps.: SERIOUSLY!!! WHICH COMMERCIAL is that Dolly Parton song taken from?! I'm starting to get frustrated! (And I'm reeeally close to giving up my mission of solving this mystery.)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

This sucks.

Still can't figure out where I've heard that Dolly Parton song. And none of the people I've asked about this can figure it out either. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

And about that "Cogito ergo sum" thing by Descartes, what about those times when you just don't seem to be thinking at all? You know, those times when your mind seems to be totally blank. Are you alive then? Somehow I don't think Descartes thought about those moments. Hm. Nevermind.

I am random. Hear me roar.

Anyway, I should be studying. Ergo, I'm going to study. Now.

Parting is such sweet sorrow (i.e. that sucks, too),

Ps.: NOW I'm gonna study.