Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday fevah!

OK. I'd just added a video here on a certain "Crazy cow", but as I fear that people may get this song stuck in their head the next couple of days I deleted it. I finally came to the conclusion that this was too weird to be embedded in this humble green blog. There is a limit to how much weirdness I will permit myself to post. However surprising it may seem to the reader. Instead, permit me to at least give you a link to the blasted vid:

So, how's this week been? Nerdy as usual, I guess. I won't elaborate. I'll spare you from that. Meanwhile, study weeks have gone all bonkers in each subject. There is NO coordination between subjects at all! So much for going home and/or seeing my dearest. *growl in direction of uni* So what I guess I should do is to make the most of the free time I'm gonna get. A couple of hours a day, that is. *second growl in direction of uni* So the next time I'll be going home is for Easter break. Yarr.

Met up with Se Won today, as she's leaving for Korea in a couple of days. She's giving me her water-cooker/kettle/thingumajig/yaknowwottamean! So now I don't need to bother about bargain hunting! Yay! *Happy dance* Although we haven't had classes together since fall I'm gonna miss her. We've always had good times together. I hope we'll be able to keep in touch, although I actually suck at that.

Besides that, the infamous fire alarm has sounded 3 times this week. Exceedingly fun to stand outside in the (otherwise gloriously) cold night air when you really should be snuggled up in bed and sleeping the night away. And of course it takes another half-an-hour/45 mins to actually go to sleep again afterwards. Annoyed? Moi? Oui, oui.

Don't get me wrong, I really do like living here. Apart from the odd fire alarm sounding I'm quite satisfied with this place. The people are kind (at least most of them), uni's good, and the city center is just a subway ride away. Oh yeah, and they've got humoooooooongous slices of cake here! *swoon* Not to mention good quality sushi. Mmmm... Sushi... Mmm... forbidden candybar... Mmm... Something... Ok, random.

Crap. Sushi cravings again. I've already had chocolate cravings earlier today, due to my flatmate mentioning the gloooooorious concept of CHOCOLATE FONDANT. I don't have to elaborate, do I? Thank God I was able to get a quick fix. ;-) Ooo crap, here it comes again. Must... resist... temptation... of... alluring... chocolate...

So, without further ado I will hereby complete this carefully-concocted, yet oh-so-random post and leave you with this tongue-twister to ponder on:

A canner exceedingly canny
One morning remarked to his granny:
"A canner can can anything that he can can, but a canner can't can a can." Can he?

Oooh. Cleeever. :-P

Power to the Oreos,

Ps.: SERIOUSLY!!! WHICH COMMERCIAL is that Dolly Parton song taken from?! I'm starting to get frustrated! (And I'm reeeally close to giving up my mission of solving this mystery.)


Unknown said...

Mad Cow disease indeed!!
*shivers* Scary!

Elise said...

I KNOW! I even came to the point of deleting this vid as it was considered unsuitable (i.e. too scary) for the readers of this blog. This vid is by all means NOT recommended for the faint-hearted.

And the strange thing is that the first part of it reminded me of those Herbal Essences commercials. I will not go into detail on this.

So there.

May the Lord have mercy on that cow.

Elise a.k.a. "I-still-haven't-found-out-which-commercial-that-Dolly-Parton-song-is-taken-from-so-help-me"

Unknown said...

Herbal Essences??? What the..? o_O
Oh no, now you gave me the mental image of a soapy cow in the shower in the midst of orgasmic euforia.... *YUCK!*

Elise said...

Yes, amazingly enough that was the image that I got from the initial moo's of that cow. The sound only, mind you, not the shaking of the tail. After that it just got absurd.

Crap. I hadn't even thought of the cow in the shower until you wrote it in your comment!:-O *SCREEEEEEEEEEAM* Now I DON'T want to watch that vid at all!

MAKE IT STOOOOOOP!!! *sniffling, whimpering and gradually turning misty-eyed*

Unknown said...

Hey now, you're the one who linked it up with Herbal Essences! ;) *laughs*
You'll have to check for cows the next time you're heading for the shower.. ;) *grins*

Elise said...

*simultaneous cringing and blushing*

Okokok. It was my fault, I'm sorry... ;-) I didn't take it as far as you did, though. I was only thinking about the resemblance between the "moo" of the cow and the... ok, maybe I did go that far.

Check the shower for Herbal Essences cows, look both sides before crossing the street, watch out for objects in the rear view mirror (as they may be closer than what you think), look out for passing llamas... This is a demanding world. How will I ever survive, pray tell? :-P

Elise said...

Besides, I took a shower earlier today. No sign of any cows there.

And I double-checked.

Unknown said...

I just had to watch the clip again, this time listening to the first few moo's before the music starts, and pictured the Herbal Essences commercial...

Elise said...

*giggle* Hee... makes a difference, dunnit? ;-)

Would be more interesting if that lady in those Herbal Essences commercials said "moo" instead of doing all those moanings, in my opinion! To be honest, I'd like those commercials better if she did moo.

Oh, and what do you mean by *PMLOL*? That's one of those abbreviations I unfortunately don't have in my system...

Unknown said...

Ah, PMLOL is a new one I picked up from a friend.. Piss Myself Laughing Out Loud =P

I tried to post this one, but you don't accept html... *pout*

Elise said...

*gasp* I DON'T ACCEPT HTML?!?!? How abominably shocking! :-O I'll see what I can do... If there's something I can do...

Erm, I can't seem to see your pic. Do you have your photo album locked for people who are non-registered as well? (Please say no... Can't be bothered registering myself on THAT webpage, too.)

*frolicking over to kitchen to make some fancy concoction to have for dinner*

Unknown said...

Maybe it is that the whole adress doesn't show? Just remove the space before eBeate in this adress, and try again: eBeate/603235.gif
(and no, I don't think you need to register to view..)

Elise said...

*shakes head while grinning*

I won't say anything else. Doesn't beat "Crazy (Herbal Essences) Cow" for me, though...

Man, some conversation here... :-S

Unknown said...

I just felt it was in the spirit of the conversation.. *laughs* ;-D