Friday, July 27, 2007

Rambling and YouTube vid (surprised?)

Suddenly just feel like writing. I don't have any specific topic to discuss this time, so I'm-a just gone ramble awn, if you get my drift.

Back at home after having visited Oslo for 5 days with my best friend (whose birthday is in 8 days!!! GAAAAH! What to give!!!). Unfortunately I forgot to forward my mail to my parents' house instead of my flat, so you can imagine the heap of mails inside my mailbox! However, there was just only one bill I had to pay, so that's a relief. Besides that, the trip was a success, even though I was mentally spoonfed with details of what my best friend's boyfriend had said and done and what he was like. Or maybe it was just me blowing it out of proportion, me being on the singleton track again and all. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing just fine. Besides, it gives me an opportunity to chase after other guys who possess a uniform which might tickle my fancy (i.e. which is not green or beige in color)...

Speaking of men in uniforms, it's a shame that there aren't that many young pilots out there. On our trip to Oslo we took planes back and forth, you see, so if you know me well enough you can probably figure that I noticed the pilots. Now I don't know enough about how long it takes for someone to become a pilot, but personally I was kind of discouraged about this fact. According to my own humble observation most of the pilots out there are well into their 40s and older. Not exactly the greatest turn-on for yours truly... Ah well, there's still the National Guard...

(Hm, I shouldn't have slouched... Ah well, not much to be done there...)

Otherwise, I've just been watching "Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie Poulain", and despite me not having studied French at all (I only had the choice between German and... German) I found the movie intriguing. Sure, it emphasized A LOT on Amelie's eccentric nature, but I liked the story, the intricate symbolism and the techniques used in filming and editing (like fast-forwarding, exaggerated zooming in on something and objects coming to life and communicating with the characters). Fascinating. But I think this is one of those movies that grows on you; the more you watch it the more you find interesting details. I'm one of those people who don't notice details all at once; I do sometimes, mind you, but most of the time I focus on the main aspects. The movie was intriguing because there are so many details that are significant to the story as a whole - you really have to pay attention to all of Amelie's quirks to get the whole picture. A challenge for someone who doesn't pay that much attention to details during the first run-through of movies, but still really good. What striked me was that some of the techniques used reminded me of Baz Luhrmann's movies, e.g. "Romeo + Juliet" and "Moulin Rouge". Strong colors, great technique in filming and a touch of flamboyance... Really quite unique.

Anyway, enough rambling. I need to go to the bathroom (which was something you really had to know!). And then I'm gonna dawdle some more. Yay! :-D *frolicks cheerfully to nearest bathroom* And behold, 'tis another YouTube vid! :-P

Me despido de ti y me voy,


Monsoon said...


Oh I love "Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie Poulain" too. It is great! One of my absolute favourites.

Heard the latest then? I am going to move to Spain in 2-3 years. It depends. I can't wait!!! Ah, to learn more Spanish, to be almost fluent. What a treat! I might be going with a friend, Eva. I am trying to keep my spanish alive, by speaking it, reading it, and listening to a fabulous spanish group called "La 5A estacion." (Which my italian freind Laura showed me.)

Well, I hope you are well dear!

I am still tirelessly studying for the "kont" exam. Blargh!
Please pray for me... I am so scred I will fail again. Chills.

Love and blesses your way


Anonymous said...


Yeah! Gotta love that movie! :-D

WHAAAAAAAT?! You're actually MOVING to Spain in 2-3 years? You thought about where you're going to move yet? Maintaining your Spanish is a good thing, and especially after all the work we did last year... Besides, it's a beauuuuutiful language! "La 5A Estacion"? Hm, might have a listen some time...

And about that exam of yours, you won't get either "scred" or "screwed"! ;-) Do you know which questions you got wrong, though? Either way, I'm sure you'll do much better this time! :-D

Take care!

4-leafed clovers, horseshoes, smooches on Blarney stone, mustard seeds and heaps of prayers,