Wednesday, December 26, 2007

For my grandfather.

A (very clichéd) dedication:

Kjære Morfar ("Dear Grandpa"),

You have left us now for a much better place.

Neither I nor your other grandchild in Norway knew you as well as the rest of your grandchildren, but the few short times we spent together will always be remembered fondly.

Our relationship has always been based on a long distance and a slight language barrier, and I'm sorry for not knowing you better.

However, despite this you will always be a source of admiration to me.

Although you will be greatly missed, I will always cherish your memory in my heart and in my mind.

Thank you for everything.

May God bless you, keep you and grant you peace.

All my love,

Monday, December 10, 2007

Man... The wonders of modern technology!

Even though there are a few skews to this performance, the attention to details is impeccable!

Signing off,

Thursday, December 06, 2007

... And so the semester comes to an abrupt end.


Yes, I do in fact have one exam left, but tomorrow I'll be having my final group seminar in Spanish, the (pre-)post-exam dinner with the Gang, followed by one week of fervent reading and drilling, the infamous final final exam, birthday celebration of my cuz... and then hoooooooooome! I can't wait to get this whole thing over with!!! Gaaaaah! I haven't really gotten the Christmas feeling in me yet because of this exam business, but I'm getting there. Slowly, but surely. Not that I'm prioritizing that, of course... ;-) At the moment at least.

I just want to get it all over with, that's all. (I'm jealous. Can you tell?)

But ok, enough whining. Here's another vid (guess where it's taken from!) to make up the whole absence of Christmas from the last post:

Hehe, his style in this song always makes me giggle! But it's cool, though. I dare not say anything against the King of Rock & Roll! ;-) "U-huh-huh... Thankya, thankyaverymuch."

Signing off,

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

"Aye, the rum is gone..."

One down, one more to go (gaaaah, can't wait to get this over with!) Anyway, quick post, and lo and behold; another YouTube vid. Gee, who'd have thought that...?

Fun song. Helps me cheer up a little these dreary days filled with exam prep. Trying to repress, but what's the use anyhow?! *shrugs and bounces off to procratinate some more by washing dishes to the sound of the Andrews Sisters.

Silent night (igorot!), holy night (insik pisot!),