Wednesday, December 26, 2007

For my grandfather.

A (very clichéd) dedication:

Kjære Morfar ("Dear Grandpa"),

You have left us now for a much better place.

Neither I nor your other grandchild in Norway knew you as well as the rest of your grandchildren, but the few short times we spent together will always be remembered fondly.

Our relationship has always been based on a long distance and a slight language barrier, and I'm sorry for not knowing you better.

However, despite this you will always be a source of admiration to me.

Although you will be greatly missed, I will always cherish your memory in my heart and in my mind.

Thank you for everything.

May God bless you, keep you and grant you peace.

All my love,


Monsoon said...

That was not cliché at all Elise. It made my tears run down my cheeks. It was beautiful. (and why is it that we always think that expressing our innermost thoughts and feelings like that, just simply have to be cliché!?, when in fact it is human...)

Like I've said before; you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

God bless you!

Love and hugs

EV xxx

Elise said...

What I meant by it being clichéd is that it's one of those songs that are typically used to reminisce about a loved one. However, it is a beautiful song; one of the most beautiful songs I know of. (And as with most songs, the original is the best! ;-))

Thank you so much for your prayers. I know they've helped us. Please continue to pray for us, particularly my family in the Philippines.

God bless you too!
