Thursday, December 06, 2007

... And so the semester comes to an abrupt end.


Yes, I do in fact have one exam left, but tomorrow I'll be having my final group seminar in Spanish, the (pre-)post-exam dinner with the Gang, followed by one week of fervent reading and drilling, the infamous final final exam, birthday celebration of my cuz... and then hoooooooooome! I can't wait to get this whole thing over with!!! Gaaaaah! I haven't really gotten the Christmas feeling in me yet because of this exam business, but I'm getting there. Slowly, but surely. Not that I'm prioritizing that, of course... ;-) At the moment at least.

I just want to get it all over with, that's all. (I'm jealous. Can you tell?)

But ok, enough whining. Here's another vid (guess where it's taken from!) to make up the whole absence of Christmas from the last post:

Hehe, his style in this song always makes me giggle! But it's cool, though. I dare not say anything against the King of Rock & Roll! ;-) "U-huh-huh... Thankya, thankyaverymuch."

Signing off,

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