Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dershtikt zolstu veren!!!

The most beautiful rendition of the Irish classic I've ever heard. Besides, these lads are three of the funniest characters in their show anyway.

*sigh* I'm... speechless. There's nothing that can be said about this at all.

No, really, there isn't. I won't even try.

Meanwhile, I had an epiphany in Spanish today. Man, did that feel good when it suddenly occurred to me the answer to analyzing that sentence. Well, sort of a mixed feeling, really. Euphoria because I'd finally been able to see how the whole thing was analyzed, and a tinge of annoyance that I hadn't been able to see it before. Grr.

Furthermore, I've lately found a fascination in Yiddish words and expressions. They're so much more than "shmuts" (dirt), "gelt" (money), "chutzpah" (gall, brazenness) and even "kosher" (you all know this one!) The title of the post, for instance means "you should choke on it". And then there's "draikop" (scatterbrain), "dumkop" (for all you who know German, you know this means "dunce". Homer Simpson, on the other hand, would go for "stupidhead", which would be the direct translation), "tuchis"/"toches" (butt), "farblondzhet" (lost, bewildered, confused) and even the glorious "Gai shlog dein kup en vant!" ("Go bang your head against a wall!")

Man, that last one's almost on the same level as the French Taunter in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". :-D

And then there's of course the procrastinator's slogan: "Kum ich nisht heint, kum ich morgen." ("If I don't come today, I'll come tomorrow.")

Yes, when utilizing a sick mind the meaning of it changes slightly, but you get the main points, don't you?

So, to end off this endless rambling, I leave you all with the follwing wish:

"Vahksin zuls du, tsu gezunt, tsu leben, tsu langeh yor."
("May you grow to health, to life, to long years.")


Ps.: Here's another beauty:
"Vahksin zuls du vi a tsibeleh, mitten kup in drerd."
("May you grow like an onion, with your head in the ground.")

I particularly like this one. *giggle*


Sminkedukkene said...

*tired* I like Jewish expressions... They're fun. :D I'm sooooo poooped right now. I feel like a balloon without air. Like a smile without a mouth. Like a cow without its spots. Like a bed without a mattress. I could go on...but nah.

Elise said...

Hehe! Yeah, I was all pooped when I got home as well, but perhaps not as poetic. Man, that was a great time! Enjoy your weekend!