Sunday, April 13, 2008

Did you know...

... that MC Hammer has a BLOG?! *lol* I must admit I had to giggle a little when I saw this! Can I... "touch this" this time???

Oh, man, some people just don't know when to quit while they're ahead! And of course he's included a rendition of his ONE hit. You know which one I'm talking about. Look at "Saturday March 22" and enjoy (or cringe - take your pick)!

Anyway, I've managed to be a relatively good student today, and have started on revising for Spanish, which no doubt is the most challenging of my exams when it comes to expressing yourself. And of course there is the curriculum part, but that's just a matter of getting into one's cassava and making it stay there.

It's nothing like Brit. Civ. I seriously don't know how that exam's gonna turn out. It's just the sheer size of the curriculum that scares me. How the heck am I gonna remember it all?! PRAY TELL!!!

Meanwhile, things are starting to get a little better now, emotionally speaking, thanks to the major quick fix of happiness from my friends this weekend! Thanks you guys, it helped a lot! *gives everyone a group hug and continues taking in the sweet smell of leather while her earrings dangle joyfully from each ear and the faint sound of "That's What Friends Are For" is heard from a distance*

And now it's finalized: I'm off to Spain for 5 weeks this summer, i.e. Málaga, to expand my vocabulary, improve my oral Spanish and meet new interesting people. I'm really glad I got in at such short notice, not to mention utterly relieved. Hope all of this time, money and effort won't be wasted... If it is - well, at least I'd get a nice vacation. :-)

To grape, or not to grape (that is the question),


Sminkedukkene said...

Yay that you're happy! You seem in a better mood as well, I have to say! :D

I like the pink by the way! Sooo cute! :D I'm up for Wednesday by the way! It'll have to be after 5 though. I have to dance the night away. :P

Elise said...

Hehe, yeah, I'm feeling a little better now. Still the occasional hiccup, but I'm good. And I'm glad you like the pink. Pink is, after all, the new black. It ain't hot pink, but a more mature and sophisticated pink, I'd say.

Argh, I don't think I can make it tomorrow, 'cause I'm meeting up with my 1st and 2nd-degree cousins tomorrow. We're gonna have dinner together, too... Sorry. *sniffles and whimpers*

Oh, and WHY DIDN'T YOU INVITE THERÉSE, TOO?! Tsk, tsk... you guys! ;-)