Friday, September 26, 2008

Remember the guy who's gray lamb's wooI sweater I bit?

Yeah, he performed at the Emmys this year. Without the sweater. I didn't know my drool was that hard to remove... (In case the guy in question should read this, I sincerely apologize. Next time I'll bring a hankie and put it on your shoulder before we hug. And remember to wear cologne next time, too! Because of that I couldn't use that pick-up line I'd thought of the night before!)

Qué cariño... I almost laughed my head off watching this. And strangely enough his voice kinda fits with the "Love Boat" theme. I don't know whether I should laugh or cry... Nah, I'll just go with laughing. Apparently this was the most controversial things he's ever done. Quite the bad boy, innee?

Meanwhile, sorry for not posting for a while now, but I've been really busy - as some of you might know. And besides I've got an SFG assignment due Tuesday, so yeah, guess who's isolating herself in her flat this weekend... :-S Nonetheless, my conscience is clear as we had a 3x birthday celebration on Wed. I think we all had a good time, despite the somewhat inconvenient hours for some. I, for one, certainly had a great time! Oh yeah, and we also happened to watch a movie which definitely isn't for the faint-hearted... *lol*

And did I mention that my best friend's ENGAGED?!?!?!? SHE FRIGGIN' IS!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D I'm so indescribably happy for her!!! It happened last Sunday and they've already started making plans. I won't mention which plans that have been made (in case this info ends up with someone she doesn't approve of), but I will reveal that yours truly has been appointed as MAID OF HONOR!!! *happy-dancing and bouncing around the room for what seems like ages* I've met the groom several times already and he really deserves her. I am so incredibly thrilled for her you can't even imagine! It may sound cheesy, but she and her siblings have been like my own siblings ever since we moved to V., so it's almost like a sister of mine were to be married. *sentimental*

Meanwhile, I have absolutely NO clue how to do this whole Maid of Honor thing. Yeah, I walk up the isle behind her, arrange the hen night (which won't be anything fancy) and support her if she should feel too stressed out, but what else? Is that it? Probably so. As I said, I've never done this before. Still, it's gonna be a wonderful once-in-a-lifetime experience for all of us, and I wouldn't miss it for the world!!! I don't care if we're going to the Philippines or anywhere else this summer; I'm gonna friggin' join in on this!!!

Anyway, besides this, uni's treating me ok. Got my first mandatory assignment (which is in front of me right now), Hispan. Lit.'s getting increasingly challenging (but I'm hanging in there) and Spanish in Practice is the easiest, but the most annoyingly time-consuming subject I'm taking this year. I should be focusing on SFG and Hispan. Lit., really, but it's difficult, as the the harder subjects have less things to be done in writing. At the moment. Hence, prioritizing is of the essence.

Intenté participar en un café español y portugués el martes pasado. Yo y una amiga de mi clase fuimos a Frederikke para encontrar al grupo allí ya que nos habían mandado un mensaje a través de nuestro profesor que iban a encontrarse en Frederikke. No podíamos irnos el martes antepasado, pero intentamos irnos esa semana. ¿Y qué vimos? ¡Que no había nadie allí! No conocimos a nadie que era parte de ese grupo ni podíamos distinguir a alguien que hable español... No entendimos nada. Yo me intenté ponerme en contacto con la Asociación Latinoamericano para que me pudiese dar información del encuentro. Encontré dos direcciones por correos electrónicos, pero una me devolvió mi mensaje y otro no me ha dado ninguna respuesta.



Voy a preguntarle a mi profesor la semana siguiente sobre eso. Espero que puedamos ponernos en contacto ésa vez. Uf.

Signing off (slightly annoyed at the two emails that aren't functioning, but still generally happy),


david santos said...

Nice posting!!! Good imagination!!!

I come to desire a good weekend to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi how are you? I find your site interesting and would like to invite you to become my blog friend.

I have an art blog here in San Diego and am looking for new friends who will comment. I would of course come back and comment on your blog. I hope to hear from you, and take care... Jesse

Elise said...

David: This ain't fake. This is 100% real life (at its best, I might add - or, well, it's debatable). Have a nice weekend, too!

Jesse: Thanks for taking an interest in what I write, although most of it is just nonsense... ;-) Sure we can be blog friends! I'll stop by your blog as soon as I get more time in my hands. (Really nice artwork on your profile pic, btw!) You take care, too!


Sminkedukkene said...

She's back! :D I can understand the allure of Josh Groban from watching that video. He's cute, and corny :P

Congrats to your bf! She must be thrilled.

You'll also be expected to hold a speech at her wedding. Honestly, you'll be her slave, if she goes for the traditional maid of honor role that is. Hold her dress for her when she's walking outside, and when she's peeing, if she has a long train. Organizing the gifts, so that you know who gave what and so on and so forth.

Elise said...

*lol* Took me a while because of the whole Mandatory Assignment deal this weekend, but I'm good at the moment. :-)

Hehe, uy, when I swiftly read your comment, I thought you wrote that Josh Groban was "cute and horny"... You naughty brain, you. *slaps it across the... head?*

And yes, my best friend was really quite thrilled. Despite her acting all nonchalant when I called her up, I could tell.

Yeah, I've actually been thinking about that speech of mine. What to include and all that. I'm gonna really embarrass her with all those pics of us when we were kids. And since this is only like, a once-in-a-lifetime event, I don't really mind being at her beck and call. It's gonna be awesome to be part of such a big event in her life! :-D

Anonymous said...

Lle creo que tienes mucha suerte tener una amiga tan llena de confianza.

take care querida,

Elise said...

Jeje, sí. Es que yo y ella hemos estado amigas desde hace... 14 años. Entonces puedes deducir que me alegre mucho que va a empezar con esa etápa de su vida. :-) Me gusta tu blog! (Lo siento que no he tenido tiempo para verlo y comentarlo esos últimos días, pero volveré!)

Hasta pronto,