Wednesday, October 08, 2008

"No leave-o!"

After having frantically read through the last text for tomorrow's lecture and scribbled down a few sentences for each of the questions we're supposed to have answered, I'm finally done and utterly knackered. Forgive me for any errors in this post, be it orthographic or semantic. I'm tired. But I'm determined to post this. :-)

Lately I've had a song stuck in my head (absurdly enough?!). Ever heard of Nik Kershaw's "Wouldn't It Be Good"? That's the one. And it's just as 80's as it gets. The riff with the trumpets and the electric guitar just gets me for some reason. And then there's also the lyrics themselves. Really quite nice, to be honest.

And a newer song which has a more Latino feel over it. Quite nice as well, this one.

Ooh, and speaking of vids, in Spanish class today (the conversation-based one) we were shown a YouTube vid which really cracked me up. For you who don't speak a word of Spanish there are a few instances in this vid which may make you chuckle as well. Apparently this was/is quite the popular vid on the site. After all, who can resist his Latin passion and charm (heck, just observe the look in his eyes, oozing with desire), not to mention the shirt of his which so sensually complements the paleness of the skin on his chest. Now THIS is the Latin Lover. Rawr.

That was the first semester. Here's the second. And notice also his silky shirt in this one. Enrique Iglesias, eat your heart out. I'm going for this one!

A real catch, innee? I have to admit that the first one is more palatable to me than the second one, though.

Meanwhile, what's going on in the small and insignificant bubble of that is otherwise called "The Life of Elise"? (Yes, circumlocution is my friend. I *heart* long, elaborate sentences and big words!) Well, that could be summed up in two words:

Not much. (^.^)

Yesterday I arrived back in Oslo after 5 great days at home wherein I visited family and cuz and just basically had a wonderful time. 7:30am in the morning after having taken the night train from home to Oslo. The seats there are hard. In fact, the muscles around my tailbone still hurt a little from all that sitting. However, I've had a good night's sleep last night and felt (somewhat) up and at'em today.

I was hoping to see my best friend again last weekend as well, but she'd already made plans of spending time with her fiancée and consequently wouldn't be able to come home. (Obvious Circumlocution #3, or was it #4? #5? Who's counting anyway?) Ah well, just one of the many wonders of timing, I guess.

It was really good seeing my cousin again, however. She's just completed her first month as a social worker and is enjoying it despite the somewhat frustrating challenges with having to figure out e.g. the computer system and not to mention dealing with pushy clients. Luckily they've got a security guard in close vicinity in case matters should get out of hand. So yeah, she told me a few stories about her job and all that jazz.

And needless to say, we were just as silly as usual. Just like one part of our endless conversation, wherein we talked about blondes vs. brunettes. She's a blonde while I'm a borderline-chestnut-haired brunette. She'd just stated that she enjoys being a blonde more than being a brunette (she's dyed her hair a few times since her teens). So to counterattack this accusation, I responded that "Blondes may have more fun, but brunettes do it better!" After a few minutes of elaborating around this issue, she suddenly bursts out with this gem of a comment: "Brunette rime' på BÆSJ! [Brunette rhymes with POO!]" This was then followed by an awkward silence and me laughing my head off while she promptly and in vain continues her defense: "IN YOUR FACE!!!" And just to clarify in case there was any doubt: We're 22 years old. Yes, both of us.

Anyway. Off to BEDfordshire (which should not be confused with the English county having only the "B" capitalized - yeah, I just killed that joke. Requiescat in Pace).

The princess is tired.

(OBVIOUSLY ironically meant. Yup, killed that one, too. I must be a serial killer of jokes when I'm tired.)

Signing off,

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