Thursday, October 09, 2008


I just found out that I can't take the Newer Hispan. Lit. course I wanted to take Spring '09. For SOME reason, the teacher had cancelled all lectures/classes for that semester. So NOW I have to settle with Older (Elder?) Hispan. Lit. instead.

*grr* (#1)

IN ADDITION, I also found that there are virtually NO courses regarding American History or Civilization in said spring semester EITHER. So if I'm aiming to fill my 30-credit minimum quota for what is supposed to be my final Bachelor semester, I have no other choice but to take "American politics, institutions, geography and economic system". Which will suffice, I guess, but was not quite what I had expected. I wanted more of the American history bit instead of simply just a focus on the contemporary stuff.

*grr* (#2)

FURTHERMORE, it's not possible for me to take the introductory course in Iberian history EITHER. That TOO is only offered in autumn semesters.

*GRR* (#3, more forcefully this time as my agitation rises)

Needless to say, I feel ripped off. Very ripped off, as a matter of fact. And I don't think I'm the only one who's ever felt that before. I just CAN'T BELIEVE what the uni's done to the supposed "array" of courses per semester. This goes particularly to the British and American courses offered here. As far as Spanish is concerned, there have been a few cuts, but not quite as substantial as those concerning English language and English-speaking cultures. Us students are supposed to CHOOSE our own study path without having to resort to taking courses against our will due to inflexibilities of others. Whatever happened to the free choice that the politicians have talked about for what seems ages? Whatever happened to the focus on the educational system and the promotion of higher education?

("Whatever happened to [y]our love? I wish I understood..." (FYI, "S.O.S." by ABBA) Yes, there's still room for randomness in the midst of a fiery rant of the faults of Norwegian higher education.)

Bah. Humbug.

In times like these I just wish that I could flee to some other uni and study there instead, be it another Norwegian uni which actually DOES offer the courses I wish to take in the spring semester or a uni in another country, preferably one in either Spain/Latin America or Canada/the States - where I might perhaps get an even BETTER offer of such courses than here in Norway.

But naturally I won't resort to such drastic measures. I won't jeopardize my being in the Oslo system for this. Besides, it's too late for me to apply for a semester abroad anyway. The deadline for these applications was a couple of weeks ago.

*heaves a deep sigh*

Anyway, enough ranting. On the brighter side of this, I still am able to complete my criteria for entering the Pedagogy year next autumn, as I just had to make a few minor adjustments to my Spanish (future) credits. Older Hispan. Lit. instead of Newer Hispan. Lit. (GRRRRRRRRRRRR!) I'm still able to qualify for that year, at least here in Oslo. The rest of the stuff I'm planning on taking are just things that may come in handy when I'm working.

If only I could take Iberian History. If only I could take an American history course.

If only students had a better course selection.


Signing off (frustratingly),


Anonymous said...

Neimen urk da, så kjipt! Håper det ordner seg på et eller annet vis, selv om du ikke får det helt som du vil...

Tok et fag i amerikansk historie i våres i Bergen, 15 relativt greie studiepoeng som jeg fikk ta som fjernstudent. De er usannsynlig greie med slikt.

Nå var det bacheloroppgaven så det passer vel ikke deg helt, men vet de har same pensum i et 100-fag, kanskje noe du kan vurdere å prøve å få tatt og innpassert hvis du på død og liv vil ha amerikansk historie? Just a thought :-)

Ellers kan du jo alltids prøve å lage en masse haloi og se om noe endrer seg? Skader ikke å prøve!


Elise said...

Joda, ordner seg nok, det. Tenkte å bare ta det derre ene samfunnsfaget og bare ta amerikansk historie sånn litt etterpå. Ikke noe krise, egentlig. Var bare pottesur i går kveld for at jeg ikke fikk viljen min. Måffålåv. ;-)

Hm, tror ikke vi kommer til å ha noen bacheloroppgave, faktisk. Har ikke hørt om noen slik oppgave og heller ikke funnet noen informasjon om det på språkprogrammet. :-S Men anyway, jeg tar det som de tilbyr (uansett hvor ufleksibelt det måtte være) og tar bare resten etterpå.

Hehe, om det bare var så enkelt som å gå berserk på skolen for å få resultater... Skulle nesten ønske det lot seg gjøre. Men her er det dessverre noen små faktorer som forhindrer dette:

1) Det er for mye byråkrati med dette uansett, så det ville ta uendelig lang tid å se resultater om jeg hadde gjort det.
2) Det er ikke bare oss studenter som klager over dette, men også professorer, lektorer og resten av staben.
3) Jeg har ikke lyst til å sette plassen min på universitetet på spill.
4) Jeg har en obligatorisk oppgave i spansk litteratur som skal leveres inn neste uke.
5) Jeg er ei pingle når det gjelder sånt.

*lol* (^.^)