Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Ubi Caritas et Aaaaaamor... Ubi Caritas Deus Ibi Est..."

Why I wrote this, I have no clue. It just seemed like a good idea at the time. (FTR, this is Latin (!) and means something along the lines of "where there is charity and loooooove, where there is charity, God is present.")

So. Long time, no blog. Needless to say, I've been kinda busy lately; what with the whole new idea of studying Hispanic texts from "el Siglo de Oro" ("the Golden Age"). I must admit that I was panicking quite a bit after the first week we had classes. I mean, this course started two weeks after the other ones and if we wanted to change into another we only had 4 days to decide. That is NOT fair. At all. I was in fact one of those who thought about changing courses into something easier (or sounded easier, at least); in fact I'd also discovered a Spanish Poetry course, which would span from the Golden Age to contemporary poetry. However, after having fretted about this to my parents, I decided - at the last minute - to stick to what I already had. Besides, I believe that this course would prepare me better for any challenges ahead in terms of teaching as well as future course qualifications. If I pass this (God willing), I believe this will be of great aid to me. After all, we'll be studying Don Quijote in a little while (i.e. the most famous Spanish novel in the world, and also coincidentally dubbed the "world's greatest novel".

Size-wise, I'm not too sure about that.

Besides this, so far I've managed to stick to my New Year's resolution of working out more. I must admit it's become more of a habit now, which is exactly what I wanted. Mind you, I should have had some more time to do this to get the full benefit of it (and also do some more cardio-vascular exercises - but I find these utterly booooriiiing), but as of now with my Lit. and Pragmatics and all that comes with them this can't be done.

Ugh, I've lost my life. Please leave your name and address in a comment if you've found it.

Hang on, actually, I'm telling a lie here, 'cause Mom's coming over this weekend! *happy dance* Think she's anxious about seeing my new room. Plus she's going to deliver some books from Spain she bought for me when on vacation. Among others... the Spanish version of Don Quijote. I must say I feel kinda guilty for using those books, 'cause they're so pretty... They've got such nice pics in them with glossy pages - and a case to put them in (!)... And there I come with my ammo of highlighters, pens, pencils and erasers ready to smear, smudge, color and scribble all over it. But hey, it's either this or pay up for other varieties of books I already have. So there.

Meanwhile, I've FINALLY finished La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes! Yaaaay! My first completion of a book from the Golden Age!!! It wasn't all bad, it just takes up A LOT of time to look up the words. I'm one of those people who has to scribble down things in the margin or above words to remind myself of what they mean, so that just adds on to the workload. But hey, no pain, no gain. :-)

Oooh, btw, I found the most intriguing vid I've ever come across so far! I dunno, it's just the different reactions of the customers seeing the camera on the conveyor belt (or not even noticing it) and the apparent ignoring of the chefs that's interesting. Very artsy. Besides, I adore sushi, which makes me love this vid even more. :-) Oh, and btw, this was shot at a "Tokyo/Asakasa sushi bar named Maguro-bito".

Signing off (slightly blah, but content for having finished Lazarillo (although the greatest Spanish literary feat remains... *swallows hard*)),


Sminkedukkene said...

I think you'll do better than you fear. :D Besides if it goes really badly you can always read it in English.

Elise said...

Sure hope so. In fact I've got a Norwegian translation of it that I'm reading right now (much cheaper than the English translation), just to get an idea of what it's about. So far, so good. :-)