Saturday, April 18, 2009


Ok. My brain says it's breaktime. According to the scent coming from the vent, someone's frying sausages or something like that. I'm not hungry, as I've already filled my stomach with Chinese green tea. That variety is kinda interesting, really. It has a sort of faint smell of seaweed. Not really a flavor you associate with tea, but still tastes good. I've got the song O Fortuna in my head these past few hours, and considering the hectic schedule I've had lately, I can definitely see a connection between these two...

So anyway, as I had a little get-together with a handful of my friends yesterday (I'll have another one with my family tomorrow), I didn't feel any guilt in studying today. Besides, I don't have that much time left for my 3 upcoming deadlines.

Hokai. Here goes. I've got my final Translation hand-in on Tuesday. I'm virtually done with it now, so it's just a matter of touching up the word count and sending it to the professor. One thorn taken away from my side. Now two to go.

I've got an exam-qualifying test on Wednesday in Hispan.Lit. (*shivers*) which I've been studying for all day. I also need to get a few things on the clear about that test, and as the professor told us we could email him if we did have any questions, of course I did last Thursday. He hasn't answered yet, so I figure I'm gonna go to his office on Monday to get everything straight. Mind you, strangely enough I had that same problem in handing in the manuscript for me and a classmate's oral presentation in that same subject. We'd emailed it to him as requested, but it appears that he hasn't received it. I have no clue what's going on, as for many of the other students, they haven't had that same problem. We'd used two different email addresses, and still he hasn't received it.

Note to self: Bring memory stick on Monday.

And then there's an essay in Spanish Pragmatics that I have to hand in the following Monday. And as the topic is relatively broad and we have to make our own investigation, I have no clue where to start seeing as I have so many other things to juggle at the same time. Agay (as in the Filipino word for "ouch"). I've got time, though, and technically speaking I don't have to hand in a complete one, as I'll have enough time to run through all of my assignments for the final hand-in on June 3rd. And then there's exam reviewing - my first 2 exams will start exactly one month from now and I really should start like RIGHT NOW... Oh well.

Sorry about this ranting, I just had to let it out. Things have been really hectic lately, resulting in me neglecting many of my friends. My deepest, sincerest apologies, but this semester is one of those ones where you just plunge into it and not really getting much of a chance to get to the surface to get some air.

Anywho, for all the birthday wishes I've already received, thank you so much - you guys really made my day! :-D Just some bright spots on my cell phone and on fb (metaphorically speaking, obv.) sort of scattered all throughout the day and evening out the dreary business of studying. I really, really appreciate it!

My, aren't we speaking in metaphors today, btw? ;-) I always get like this when I've spent a whole day studying. And this day has gone by so fast, it's almost scary!

So yeah. Awesome. Just feels like any other day, really. I woke up this morning thinking about all the things I was going to do to today and about 2 minutes later I finally remember it's my birthday. It's never taken this long before. Just goes to show how busy I am these days, I guess. But although I'm busy, I really enjoy the stuff I'm doing. I mean, I can sit here trying to sort through my texts of Don Quijote and not realize I've spent 3 hours already. Of course it depends really on how much you get to read in that period of time. If we're talking about 3-4 chapters including a few small breaks inbetween, that's good. If we're talking about one sole chapter - not as good.

Anywho, my nerdy self is definitely shining through in this post. Yarr. Besides, I'm getting tired of sitting here. My butt's getting sore now. Time to stretch and get away from this stuff, as I get a clear "NO MORE!" from my brain. And said butt.

And to top this post off, here's a clip from one of my all-time favorite comedians, Craig Ferguson. Host of the Late Late Show - and he's SCOTTISH!!! For those who know my fascination for Scottish accents (yes, there's more than one!), this should come as no surprise. He's officially American now, though. But he still has that pizzazz to him that some American comedians lack. That little Monty-Python-esque, random-y touch that I love so dearly. Anyway, here he is. This is a somewhat long clip (about 7 mins, I think), but to me it's well worth watching!

Signing off (contently),

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